Chapter 10

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It felt more than wrong to be escorted to my own room in the manor, to be involved in all the Death Eaters' business, to be branded with the Dark Mark. But I had no choice. I had to do this. Everyone treated me like I was Voldemort's second hand; with respect, and the most kindness I could receive. Voldemort had told me I would be practicing the three Unforgivable Curses once I turned 17. He said it was so I was prepared to use them in a fight.

I didn't want to use them. But I had to.

My room was right next to Draco's. It wasn't an super bad thing, but it wasn't a good thing, either. It made it harder for me to sneak out of the room to look around the manor, and to sneak down to the basement to give the prisoners food. I had them all on my side. They knew I wasn't really on the Death Eaters' side, and they accepted the food I gave them with gratitude.

One night, one extremely boring night, I couldn't sleep. It had been almost 2 months since I had become a Death Eater, and I was sure that everyone, or at least the Weasleys, were looking for me. In five days, everyone would be heading back to Hogwarts. And in one day, I would be turning 17.

Voldemort had thought my birthday was in early September, but it was really in late August. And I had wanted to spend the last of my summer, and my 17th birthday, with Ron. I wouldn't be able to do that now.

So, after I had finished pacing my room, I decided to take a walk around the manor. I sneaked over to my door and quietly opened it, stepping out and shutting the door silently. I spun around and began to walk down the hall, but something stopped me. A hand was on my wrist, holding me so I couldn't move. I turned around and came face to face with Draco.

"(Y/N)," he said, whispering. Yes, we had gotten to a first name calling stage. Only because we're housemates and both Death Eaters. And friends. "Where are you going, and why are you up?"

"I could be asking you the same thing."

"You woke me up, pacing around your room like that." He stared at me intently. I felt so exposed with him looking at me like that, as though he could see right through me. "What's on your mind?" I shrugged, not really wanting to answer the question.

"A lot of stuff. Which part of my mind?"

"The part that's keeping me up all night."

"Oh. That part." I sighed. "Tomorrow's my birthday, you know. I'll be 17."

"The Dark Lord said your birthday was in September."

"It's not. It's August 27th, not September anything." Draco nodded, and gave me a small, awkward smile that only Draco could conjure up.

"Well, happy early birthday. Now, I suggest going to sleep before someone catches you out here-" He shut his mouth as someone's footsteps began to echo from down the hall.

"Shit," I murmured, and grabbed his hand. "Come on." I pulled him into my room and shut the door quietly. I leaned against the door and waited for the footsteps to pass the door. My ear was on the door, and I was breathing as quietly as I could.

Once the footsteps passed, I turned my head back to Draco. "Alright, the coast is cle-" I was cut of by a pair of warm lips on mine. It took me a moment to comprehend what was happening, but once I realized, I kissed him back. After a while, he pulled away.

"Happy birthday, (Y/N)." Draco smirked, then opened the door and left.

I just stood there, mouth agape.

Breakfast that morning was....awkward at the least. I had considered skipping, getting right to work, but I didn't. Breakfast was the most important meal of the day, after all.

At the table, I sat across from Draco, and he was acting like last night's little 'Birthday Kiss' never happened. What a jerk. And he didn't even have the decency to say, "Oh, happy birthday, (Y/N)." The jerk has been upgraded to asshole.

"(Y/N), are you listening to me?" I jerked my head over to where the voice came from. Lost in thought, I hadn't been paying attention to what everyone was saying, so I was surprised to hear Lucius talking to me. Not knowing how exactly to respond, I slowly shook my head.

"No, but I apologize, I was thinking-"

"It would do you well to pay more attention to those around you, girl." I just nodded my head in response.

"Yes, all right, I apologize again."

"Foolish girl, apologies won't mean a thing to the Dark Lord. If I was him, what do you think he would do to you? He would most likely-"

"Lucius, I think that's enough." Narcissa butt in, interrupting Lucius in the middle of his little rant. I looked over at her thankfully, but she shook her head. "It would do you good to not get lost in that head of yours."

"But I wasn't-"

"Stop arguing with your elders and eat, you have a hard day of work ahead of you." I nodded sullenly and continued eating my breakfast. I took a look up at Draco, who had been silently watching this whole thing. I resented him at the moment; he was, after all, the spoiled child who got what he wanted, when he wanted, and it seemed as though his parents would never scold him. To prevent myself from getting lost in thought once again, I took a quick look around the table.

The table, the awkwardly rectangular table we sat at to eat, was not as filled as one would think. It seemed the only people who ever ate at the table were the Malfoys and Bellatrix, along with me, because apparently I needed to be kept under watch. But I didn't mind; I liked the almost-family atmosphere that eating meals with them gave off. It wasn't as welcoming as eating at the Weasleys was, but it'll do.

When I finished eating, I reluctantly gave my empty plate to the house elf and stood, thanking the Malfoys for breakfast and leaving the room quickly. I wasn't supposed to start training until September, when Voldemort thought I was turning 17, so all I ever had to do was sit in on meetings and give my opinion.

There weren't any meetings today, so I was going to spend the day lazily. I was already dressed, so I went straight for the door. People usually had to accompany me when I wanted to go outside, but today I had reasoned with the Death Eater watching the door. ("I'm not of age yet, and I wouldn't want the Ministry to find me. Do you really think I'll leave?) So as soon as I stepped out into the hot, humid air, I headed for the garden.

I don't know why, but I liked flowers, my favorite being (F/F) (( Which is favorite flower. Can I just write bluebells? I mean, who doesn't like bluebells? )). I steered myself in the direction of the (F/F)s, wanting to sit with my favorites and think.

I walked through the garden, passing many types of flowers before I got to my beloved (F/F)s. I sat down on a little bench I had put in an empty space between the flowers and thought.

What was my life becoming? What would happen in the future? Would I ever see Ron, or any of my friends, again? Was this the worst birthday of my life? And, last but not least, why don't I know who I am anymore?

Thinking was tiring. I laid down on the bench to get more comfortable, and so I could look at the clouds.

I had always enjoyed doing that. Looking at the clouds, I mean.

Slowly, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.  

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