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Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon. Tamara, Tristan, Lucy, Christina, and more that I will mention later are all mine.
Author's Notation: This story is being revised, since I noticed that the original version was... lackluster.

Chapter 1

February 9th, 2081, 4:00 p.m. | Castelia City, Unova | Tamara's POV

A young woman at sixteen years of age sat on the bed in the doctor's office. The girl, Tamara Javenson, was five foot three, painfully thin, flat-chested, had sickly pale skin with a yellowish tint, gray eyes that always had a tired yet stern look, and brittle, dull bristly black hair barely sprouting from her otherwise bare scalp. She had a sickly, unhealthy look to her and was currently garbed in a simple white hospital gown.

Her grandparents sat in the cushioned chairs, looking grim. Tamara had been living with them since she was three years old, her mother dead and her father pretty much vanished off the face of the earth.

"Grandma, am I... am I going to die...?" Tamara asked quietly, one her usual headaches pounding and throbbing in her skull.

"I don't know sweetie. I don't know." Marci Javenson whispered.

The doctor walked in. "The leukemia is spreading alarmingly quick. I'll schedule chemotherapy and call you when the appointment is made, but if it doesn't work, Tamara only has a year at best to live." the doctor lowered his head. "I'm sorry..."

Tamara quietly got dressed as the doctor left. Black jeans, Converse, snowboarding jacket, and turtleneck. She placed her long-haired black wig on her head, putting on her white surgical mask and latex gloves [A/N: people with leukemia wear them because their immune systems aren't exactly the best] as she and her grandparents left the hospital. A million things were going through her head.

Only a year? That's all I have?

The chemo will fix it, right?

I can't die! I'm only seventeen! I have so much left!

Why me? What did I do to deserve this?

In the car ride home, Tamara began crying softly.

The Next Day | Castelia High School | 11:03 a.m. | Tristan's POV

"Hey, did you hear about Team Plasma?" Lucy asked, her attention diverted from her phone.

Tamara nodded. "Yeah. I saw it on the news. Fifty of them stormed a Pokémon Center, gunned down anyone in their way, and stole most of the Pokémon. Any surviving people were taken hostage. Five of their bodies have already been found in the Desert Resort. Ghetsis probably assumed that no one would find the bodies in time to identify them, because the wild Pokémon that live there would have eaten them."

Lucy grimaced. "See, this is why I don't watch the news! It's so depressing."

Tamara rolled her dark gray eyes. "You could learn something, Lucy."

"Excuse me?" a familiar voice behind us asked. Tamara and I turned around, seeing Teresa Jones standing behind us.

Teresa was a girl a grade ahead of a us and a total Team Plasma fanatic (which didn't make her very popular). She wasn't very tall at four foot eleven, had an athletic frame, cinnamon brown skin, poofy chocolate brown hair that fell a little past her waist, and large hazel eyes. She smiled, holding her tablet in her hands.

"Hi. Sorry to bother you, but this Saturday a few friends and I are gonna do a march about Team Plasma and Pokémon liberation. I was wondering if you guys wanted to join us?" Teresa asked, holding out her tablet with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"No thanks." Christina said as politely as possible.

"Ahhh... well, I think I might have plans." Lucy said, pretending to be deep in thought. "Um, maybe I can make room... wait. No."

I shook my head.

Teresa eyed Tamara. "You?"

"I can make it, but I won't." she replied rudely before returning her attention to her lunch, putting another spoonful of tomato soup into her mouth.

Teresa huffed and walked to the next table.

Stay tuned folks!

The Daughter of the Shadow Triad (UNDERGOING HEAVY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now