More Than A Crush Alert

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"I've been watching you all night, there's something in your eyes. So c'mon, c'mon and dance with me baby." ~C'mon C'mon, One Direction

Saturday, 17th August 2013


I was standing near the window of Zayn's lush house, with a drink in my hand. Soda, 'cos I don't drink. The party was in full swing and I have to say my best frind knows how to throw a kick-bum party.

But I was still feeling kinda alone. Zayn is right, I do need a girlfriend. And suddenly, Danielle, the sweet pet shop owner came to mind. We do text each other occasionally and talk at school, but nothing major.

And I'd invited her today. The party has already been half gone and there's no sign of her. I have a feeling that this party is going to suck for me.

Many girls had asked me for a dance, but I'd politely declined.  

After a while, I was thinking about leaving when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and my smile instantly widened when I saw Danielle.

"Oh hi Dani! I was wondering if you were even gonna show up."

"Hey Liam," she greeted shyly. "And really? I wasn't gonna miss out on an awesome party. And sorry for being late. I had to practically force Harry to get his arse at this party!" I nodded, laughing.

"It'll be entertaining to see Zayn's face when he sees Harry!" I remarked and Dani nodded, grinning. Dunno why that Harry lad riles my best friend up so much and vice versa.

"So how've you been?" I asked her.

"Awesome! You? And how's Loki doing?"

I laughed. "I'm great. And Loki is such a little bundle of energy, always wants to play fetch and he sure loves to cuddle."

"Aww that so cute! I want to see him again." She cooed and I grinned.

"You're welcome to anytime. I'm sure the little guy misses you. After all, you're the one who named him."

She grinned mischeviously. "Is that an invitation?" I blushed.

"N-no! I mean yes. But if- if you want to."

She laughed at my embarassment. Wow, she looks so cute when she laughs. Her nose crinkles up adorably and her whole face lights up. Um, crush alert! 

"Ooh! This is my favorite song!" Dani clapped excitedly when Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol comes on.

"Can I have this dance?" I asked her with a wink and offered my hand. She nodded shyly and took it. We walked over to the dance floor and Dani put her arms around my neck and I placed my hands on her waist.

We swayed to the gentle music and mouthed the lyrics occasionally. I looked over to the sraircase and saw that Zayn was standing there, arguing with Harry and I sigh. Still, nobody hasn't figured out what their problem with each other is.

And oh! On the other side of the room, Louis Tomlinson was dancing with the Irish boy— Niall I think his name is —very intimately. Everyone was looking at the couple curiously and I'm sure something is definitely going on over there.

I turned my attention back to Dani and gasped mentally. She looked so damn beautiful and I'm not exaggerating. The light is falling on her face at just the right angle and she's smiling adorably. Um, more than a crush alert!

"See anything you like?" She winked.

"Yep," I smiled and slowly kissed her cheek. I pulled away with a smile and she was blushing.



"Would you like to go on a date with me? Just the two of us?"

She looked up at me 'cos I was taller than her and smiled cutely. "Look forward to it. And I don't mind if Loki comes along," she added and we both laughed.

I take back the thought that this party was going to suck.


Hey hey! Just a quick update 'cos of the unexpected amazing comments and votes on the last chappie! Thanks so much guys, you're all awesome! :D

So here was a teeny Payzer one-shot which also gave you a glimpse of what'll happen in the third part of the party!

**Next update after 17 votes, 3  comments and 40 reads!**

So vote vote vote! 'Cos...

Preview of the next chapter: PART 3 OF THE PARTY! Niall finally makes a move. What'll be Louis' reaction? You already read that they were dancing together... *gasp*
P.s: I cried a bit while writing the end of the next chappie. No joke.

~bemycupcake <3

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