Too Perfect?

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"You're impossible to resist..." ~Taken, One Direction.

Sunday, 1st December 2013


"Harry!" I heard Mum call me while I was on the computer at 11 AM on a Sunday, googling er... stuff. I instantly scrambled out of my chair and flew down of my room to see what Mum needed.

She chuckled when I reached the living room where she was, breathless. "Oh, love I just needed to talk to you. I'm fine."

It had been almost a month since Mum had gotten back from the hospital. She was on crutches now 'cos of her leg, and she of course wasn't allowed to move around much. But she was getting better in every way, and that's what mattered.

The day she had got back, I learnt that my so-called father won't be supporting us anymore 'cos he was marrying. I admit, I was a bit shocked. A part of me was happy, that we finally didn't have to depend on him, but the other part still worried for our well being. Will I be able to support myself and my Mum alone? I'm just a teenager after all.

Mum had now stopped drinking ans smoking much to my relief, and even checked into a private rehab. All I could do was cry from happiness when she told me that.

So, I had applied for a few jobs to support us and was currently working two part time jobs; one at a bakery, the other at a garage. I knew shit about cars, but eh, I just had to stack and rearrange things and the pay was modest.

Actually, the pay from both the jobs was almost just enough to pay off all the bills.

But you know what they say, "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."

And I go by that.


"Hmm? Yeah?" I snapped out from my thoughts.

Mum was sitting on the coach, reading a book with some tea that I'd made her. I sat down beside her.

"I was thinking, as today's your day off, maybe I should invite Robin for dinner," she said, more to herself. When she noticed my cheeky smirk, she playfully slapped my arm.

"Oi! We're just friends, young man! And he has done so much for us, it's isn't fair that we haven't invited him for a homemade dinner. And restaurant dinners don't count."

I nodded eagerly. Robin was a really cool guy. I liked him. You know the vibe you get from some people? Yeah, I get a good vibe from Robin. So, he's cool. And he's funny. And so sweet to Mum. Not to mention freaking perfect for her! This will hopefully be a great oppurtinity to set those two up.

Mum noticed my grin and smiled. "So you like Robin, don't you? I hope you do, he's a really nice guy."

I nodded again. "Yeah, he's cool. And not only 'cos he got me a job at his shop." Yeah, he owned the garage shop, and was nice enough to offer me a job there even if I knew zilch about car parts.

"And why do you care if I think he's nice or not?" I teased Mum again and this time she blushed. Yes, she actually blushed.

"Mum! Are you blushing?" I squealed, and she rolled her eyes and slapped my thigh.

"Oh, stop it already! Now, would you like to invite Zayn as well?"

"Can I?"

"Of course, if he wants to come. Now, what should I cook?"

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