You're Mine

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"I'm so whipped oh, he's a tempting animal." ~Just Can't Let Him Go, One Direction.

Saturday, 9th November 2013


Mum was recovering quickly, and I visited her daily at the hospital. She has been staying there for a week and sadly, now has to stay an additional week.

Meanwhile, I had been staying at Zayn's house while his parents were out on a work trip, as usual. I wondered when Zayn will tell his parents about us, but I have a feeling that he doesn't want to any time soon. And I'm okay with that.

We were now sat at the kitchen island of Zayn's house, playing footsie under the stools. Helen was at the stove, humming to herself while making us a batch of fresh blueberry pancakes.

"Enjoy, you lovebirds!" She chirped when she was done, setting down the plate of steaming hot pancakes on the island and turning back to the fridge to rummage for some milk and juice.

"Thanks Helen," Zayn mumbled around a mouthful of the delicious pancakes. I squirted some maple syrup on mine and took a bite of the heavenly pancakes. I couldn't help but moan a bit, they were so good.

"You should really open a restaurant Helen, you'll be a hit!" I commented cheekily, re-stuffing my momentarily empty mouth.

Helen rolled her eyes and smiled, setting down a glass of milk for me and another glass of OJ for Zayn. "I'm perfectly fine with cooking for you sweet boys, though thanks for the compliment lovely."

Helen was such a sweet lady. When she'd learnt about my Mum at the hospital, she had sent food for her everyday, knowing just how appetizing hospital meals were. Mum was more than happy, of course.

When Helen left us to complete our breakfast, Zayn nudged my sock clad foot with his. "Whatcha wanna do today? No school."

"Hmm, how about we cuddle?" I suggested.

"As much as I'd love to do that, let's do something productive today."


Zayn smirked. "How does the beach sound?"

"Beach?" I echoed. "Isn't it a bit cold for the beach? And besides, there aren't any beaches in London!"

"Well, Louis knows of a really cool beach that's only an hour or so drive away, and the water's pretty warm during day time. What do you say?"

I sprang up excitedly. "Let's go then!" I hadn't went to a beach in what felt like years, and so I had every right to be excited. Then I suddenly remembered Mum. She was at the hospital, and it didn't seem right that I was having fun while she couldn't go anywhere.

Zayn instantly noticed my transitioning mood. "What's wrong love?"

"I don't think it's fair to Mum. After all, the last time I didn't stay with her..." I trailed off.

Zayn tutted and stood up from his stool as well, placing his hands on my shoulders. "Look, your Mum would want you to have fun and it's not your fault, what happened a week ago. We can visit her before we go, and we can all go to the beach again with her when she's better."

I smiled at his words. He always knows what to say and how to make me feel better. "Thanks Zayn, you're right," I murmured and hugged him tight. He kissed the top of my head.

"Now where's the excitement that I saw before? Who wants to go to the beach?"

"I do!" I beamed, my mood suddenly changing. Zayn has that effect on me, he can cheer me up anytime.

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