The Real Him

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"I can be no superman, but for you I'll be super human." ~Save You Tonight, One Direction.

Wednesday, 28th August 2013


"Bye guys!" I waved to Louis, Niall and Dani as they drove off, dropping me at my house. Thank God that Louis and Niall had made up and could now tolerate each other's presence. It was getting ridiculous before, and kinda awkward for all of us.

I turned around and pushed open the complex door. Greeting the door man that was scarcely present, I climbed up the stairs to my flat. I rummaged around in my bag for the key, 'cos Mum's usually sleeping or not in. After retrieving it, I unlocked the door and stepped inside.

The stench of alcohol and cigarettes greeted me and I wrinkled my nose. That means Mum's home.

"Mum are you here?" I called, stepping into the small living room. I saw my Mum all right, but she wasn't alone. There was a tough looking and greasy guy with tattoos on his arms sitting next to her on the couch, taking swigs from a beer bottle. He looked up and scowled at me, as if I was the one intruding in his house and not the other way around.

"Wh-who are you?" I asked him, pulling together my bravado. But the guy still looked like he could bash my head in with a single flick of his hand. His scowl intensified if possible when I asked him that.

He placed the bottle down and stood up to his full height menacingly.

"What did you just ask me runt?" He growled in a terrifyingly low voice.

"W-who are y-you?"

He smirked, easily noticing my fear. He sauntered closer to me and I took a tentative step back.

"Well to answer your question, I'm your mummy's lovely boyfriend," he informed me with an ugly grin. I choked in surprise and looked over at Mum, who looked completely sober now and was watching our exchange with fearful eyes.

When I didn't say anything, he growled, annoyed. "Get the fuck outta here kid before I make you."

"Bu-but it's my h-house!" My momentary anger had allowed me to speak that much.

"Did you just talk back to me?" He asked in a gentle voice but it sent chills of fear down my spine.

"Alrighty then," he shrugged. "Apparently ya had trouble understanding the first time," he mused and slowly picked up the empty beer bottle.

"Kyle don't!" Mum pleaded, tears in her eyes.

"Shut up ya bitch!" he growled at her and this time I couldn't control my anger. How dare he talk to my mother like that?!

I lunged at him at the same time Mum yelled "No Harry!" Kyle grabbed me by the throat then roughly pushed me, my back hitting the kitchen island.

He stood over me with a smug smile. "Now get the fuck outta here and if you call the cops on me, it ain't be pretty. For you. And for yer mummy."

"Go Harry, I'll be fine, trust me," Mum choked out. I don't even know what he'll do to her. But I think he'll do something even worse, painfully and in front of me if I won't leave.

I slowly got up, and had just enough time to lift my arm up to shield my face from the bottle that he hit at me with full force. I hissed in pain when the shards of glass cut my arm.

"Now get the fuck out of my house!"

I forced back the tears. I won't show weakness in front of him. I always try to be brave. This had been happening quite frequently ever since Mum started drinking. She got mixed up with the wrong crowds, all because of that.

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