Isn't That A Good Thing?

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"Maybe it's the way he walked, straight into my heart and stole it." ~Best Song Ever, One Direction.


Saturday, 2nd November 2013


We were all at Liam's house right now, having a guy's night out plus Dani. The reason we invited Dani as well was 'cos Liam always felt like a, erm... fifth wheel around us, and then we'd feel bad.

"MARIO KART RACE!" I heard Louis cheer from the sofa, followed by a chorus of yeses, mainly from Niall.

I was in the kitchen, making some popcorn and taking out some snacks out of the pantry for everyone, for later. We are supposed to watch a movie after this, but I wanted some popcorn right now. Wow, I sound like Nialler.

I was waiting for the popcorn to be done, watching the green numbers tick. I jumped when I felt someone behind me, then relaxed when familiar arms wrapped around my waist.

"You done yet? I miss you," Zayn murmured in my ear and I rolled my eyes but smiled, leaning into him.

"I've been gone, what? Five minutes?" I smirked. It felt nice when Zayn acted all sweet and coupley, I loved that.

"Five minutes too long," he whispered in my ear huskily and lightly bit my earlobe, making me inhale sharply. Zayn pulled back and I turned around to see a satisfied smirk on his face. The bastard knows the effect he has on me and he's proud of it. Not that I'm complaining.

I glanced at the microwave and was surprised to see that the popcorn was already done. I grabbed the bowl from the counter and transferred the popcorn into it, carrying it to the living room, Zayn trailing behind me.

I settled on the couch and Zayn snuggled beside me, grabbing a handful of popcorn and stuffing his mouth. Louis and Liam were involved in an intense reace of Mario Kart, while Niall and Dani were cheering for their boyfriends.

I looked around and smiled. It made me happy, when we all hung around like this, no drama, just all of us having a great time.

"Whatcha thinkin'?" Zayn poked my cheek and I turned to him, shaking my head.

"Nothing much, just happy thoughts."

"Right. Must be thinking about me then," he joked and I nodded, half-serious, half-joking. I fully turned around and lifted my hand, stroking his cheek which had a bit of stubble.

Zayn closed his eyes and leaned his face into my palm. I ran the pad of my thumb oven his cut lip, wincing slightly.

He shouldn't have fought yesterday, now he was in trouble 'cos of me. I still felt guilty about that, even if Zayn had assured me hundreds of time that it was okay and it was not my fault.

"What are you thinking now?" He asked me softly, his caramel brown eyes fluttering open.

"About yesterday," I answered slowly. We hadn't gotten a chance to talk about it, because Zayn had to serve detention after school, hten extra hours of lacrosse practice. And after that, it just didn't come up. Now was a good time as any. All of our friends were engrossed in the game.

"Zayn," I started. "Look, don't get me wrong, I love how you care about me so much that you beat up a guy just 'cos he called me names, but you have to understand that I can take care fo myself. You have to worry about yourself and I'm worried about you too. It seemed to me that what that lad had said had affected you, more than it had affected me."

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