Chapter 13

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I put the last dish on the table and walk back into the kitchen and shake my head at my cousin. Josh's hands are shaking so damn bad.

"Uh, if your hands shake any harder you're going to spill the salad," I laugh.

He stares at me and isn't amused at the small joke. "Whatever, Lynn. I'm so nervous. Madison and my parents are on their way."

After Josh told me he was going to enter the draft he went in his room and called Madison and begged her to come over for tonight's dinner. He also made her favorite food and I smile to myself because I know he's trying.

We all were eating in silence until my aunt broke it.

"So, what's all of this for," she gestures her hands towards the food. "What's the special occasion?"

Josh clears his throat and looks at both of his parents nervously. "You know I love you both very much and I know you want what's best for me."

He briefly looked over at Madison then me and I gave a slight nod to encourage him to finish. "I've decided to enter to draft."

His mom and Madison open their mouths in shock. My uncle sat there with a smile on his face. It was funny to me because when I looked at my aunt I knew she didn't want him to enter the draft, and when I looked over at my uncle, I could tell he was trying to cover up his smile for the sake of his wife. Josh and his dad bonded over football and I know he always wanted him to enter it.

My aunt recovered from her shock and shook her head. "What do you mean you're going to enter the draft? Are you saying you're going to do it this year?"

"Yes. I'm going to do it this year when I go back to school. I know you want me to-," Josh couldn't finish what he had to say because my aunt cut him off.

"That was the plan, Josh. You're supposed to finish college and get a degree just in case anything happens to you. You need a backup plan. Football is not guaranteed."

"Hun, I know that's what you want for him and I agree too, but at the end of the day he's an adult and he can make his own decisions," my uncle chimes in.

Josh looks at me and smiles. "Lynn, what do you think about it?"

I give him a death glare because he's putting me on the spot. I know I told him I will be here when he tells his parents but I didn't want to say anything. The whole table looks at me and my aunt smiles. I know she thinks I'll be on her side because I'm all for academics, but my uncle is right.

"I support whatever you do, Josh. Whatever anyone says to you, at the end of the day you're the only person that can make that decision, but you can take what your mom is telling you into consideration," I offer him a half smile.

My aunt blows out a breath and looks at Madison. "And what do you think about this."

Madison glances at Josh and then looks down and starts to fidget with her fingers, that's her nervous habit. "I support his decision but I agree with you more," she whispers.

"I just want what's best for you, dear and I think having a backup plan is that," my aunt says.

Josh stands up walks over to where my aunt is sitting and gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I understand that, mom. I know that's what you want for me, but that's not what I want. I know you may think I'm getting big headed for saying this but I'm so good at what I do. I don't need or want a backup plan. I don't even want to consider any other options."

He returns to his seat and runs his fingers through his hair. "When I think about my future, all I see is football and Madison. All I see is me playing professionally. That's all I want to do. It's always been like that. I love everything about the game. It's my dream."

I wipe the tears from my eyes and I glance over at Madison and see she's doing the same thing.

My aunt sighs clearly defeated. "Well, if that's what you want to do." She starts to get up from her seat but Josh tells her there's more.

"What else is left to say," she says trying to mask the tears.

"Not only do I see football and Madison in my future, but now I see my child in it too."

My aunt furrows her eyebrows and exchange confusing looks with her husband. "What do you mean?"

"Yeah what are you saying, son?" My uncle chimes in.

I try to slowly get up and sneak away from the table but my aunt tells me to sit back down.

Josh briefly glances at Madison and gives her a half smile. He looks his parents straight in the eyes. "I'm going to be a dad. Madison's pregnant."

The room becomes so silent. My uncle breaks the awkwardness. "Wow," he says stunned. "So I'm going to be a grandpa, huh?"

I'm the first one to laugh. Leave it to my uncle to try to make things lighter. We all soon start to laugh except for my aunt who's wiping the tears from her eyes. She pushes her chair back and stands up. "I'm sorry but I can't do this right now ," she sobs. "Excuse me." She quickly walks to her room.

My uncle stands up and pats Josh on his shoulder. "Give her some time, Josh. She'll come around. You know she just wants what's best for you."

"I know, but I just can't help the fact that I broke her heart two times in one night."

"Your mom is a trooper. I'll talk to her about it, but I am proud of you. We'll talk later," he looks over at Madison and smiles. "Madi, make sure you take good care of yourself and my grandson."

She laughs and wipes her eyes. "I will, and James we don't even know what we're having."

"It's going to be a boy, I bet it will be. We need another football player."

"And if it's a girl," I reply.

"She can become a football player too."

We all laugh and my uncle says his last goodbyes before going to the room.

I stand up and give them both hugs. "Well, this has been a crazy dinner. You will make great parents. I'll talk to you guys later."

I go to my room and text Tyler.

Hey, are you busy?

No, I'm bored ass hell. What's up?

Wanna hang out?

Your place or mine?


I'm on my way.

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