Chapter 18

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I awaken to a loud knock on the door. I rub my eyes and check the time.

"Seven-thirty. What the fuck?!" I say to myself.

I stretch and get out of the bed. The knocking never stops.

"I'm coming!"

I walk to the door and check the peephole. "SHIT," I curse.

Yup. You guessed it. Standing on the other side of the door is my boyfriend.

I rush to the bathroom and quickly brush my teeth and wash my face. Before I answer the door I try to fix myself as much as I can. When I swing the door open I immediately rush Tyler.

"Whoa," he says, dropping his bags so he can catch me. "I missed you too, baby," He laughs and kisses me.

He carries me to the bed and sit me down. He laughs at me again when I hug him again. "I can't believe you're here. You came so early."

"I told you I was coming. I couldn't wait any longer. I skipped my classes for the day. One absent isn't gonna hurt me."

"I'm glad you're here. I know Josh and Coop will be happy to see you."

He wraps his arm over my shoulder and brings me in for a kiss on the forehead. "What took you so long to answer?"

"Oh, I was sleep up until your third knock," I lie.

Tyler wipes the toothpaste from my shirt and smile. "Sure you were." He shakes his head, clearly amused. "You know you don't have to get all cute for me. I don't give a damn about your morning breath."

I kiss him and shrug. "I know you don't, but I wanted to do it." I get lay back down and get under the covers. "I'm really happy to see you, but I'm sleepy as fuck. Give me about two more hours."

Tyler takes off his shoes and walks over to the other side of the bed. He slides in behind me and spoons me. "I'm sleepy too. I'm glad you have dark curtains to block the sun." He kisses my temple. "It's so good to see you, Addy."

"Same here, Ty."

I close my eyes and smile. I'm very happy right now. I'm only really content when I'm with Tyler or when I'm wrapped in his arms. We spend the rest of the morning in a restful slumber.

By the time I take Tyler on a campus tour, it's three o'clock.

"Wow," he awes. "Your school is nice." He intertwines our hands as we finish our stroll around the campus.

"Yeah, but your school looks way better. I've seen pictures."

He shrugs. "True."

After I finish showing Tyler the campus, we walk to the student center to meet Josh and Cooper. We say our hello's and they each give Tyler that complicated handshake guys do.

Josh slaps Tyler on the back. "It's good to see you, bro."

"You too."

We get in Cooper's car to go to their frat.

"I should've drove to school," Josh says from the backseat. "This car is way too fucking small."

I laugh and shake my head. "Nah. I love Coop's car. It's perfect."

Cooper glances in my direction and then look into the mirror to smirk at Josh. "As long as my favorite girl likes it that's all that matter."

"She's just saying that because she gets to sit in the front seat," Josh scoffs. "And don't start that favorite girl shit around Tyler dude. Boundaries."

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