Chapter 10

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I put the last shirt in my suitcase and set it in my closet. Wow only three more days and I'm back at school, I think to myself. I stay in my room and read my book for most of the day. It really feels good to be back reading consistently. This winter break was something else. Who would've thought I would've been partying and dating. I sure didn't. Maybe when I get back, I'll start slutting it up. I laugh out loud and dismiss the thought immediately.

Josh comes in my room and tells me that him, Cooper, and the girls are going to a party and did I want to come. I smirk at him.


"So, you and Cooper made up I see." He smiles at me and shakes his head. "What he did was very stupid, but he's like a brother to me. He's also my roommate back at the house, so there's that. Oh and he offered to drive tonight," he shrugs.

"I understand," I'm really happy they're back cool again. "I don't want to go though. I'm going to stay right here with Cage York."

He stares at me confused and I hold my eReader up and point to the book. He scoffs. "You're such a nerd. Have a nice night with Cage," he says sarcastically.

After I finish drying my hair, I check my phone to see that I have a text and missed call from Cooper. "What does he want," I say out loud. I read his text first.

Call me ASAP.

I call him back and he answers on the second ring.

"What's up?"

"Lynn, you need to get here as soon as possible," he sounds worried.

"For what?"

"For Tyler. His drinking is out of control and he's not listening to anyone. We're worried."

"And what makes you think he's going to listen to me," I say, getting irritated.

"Please, Lynn. I know he will. Just come," he pleads.

"Fuuuck. I'm on my way," I hang up the phone.

I put my hair in a bun and grab the keys to my Jeep.

"Where are you going, Lynn?" Raley asks as I walk past the living room.

"Going to check on Tyler," I holler as I rush out of the door.

"You do love him," she hollers back.

I text Cooper and tell him to send me the address.

I'm mad ass shit at Tyler, but I would never want to see him drink his life away or fall into that dark place he was once in. Although he hurt my feelings, I could never leave him somewhere knowing that I was the cause of him drinking and knowing I could possibly help.

When I get to the party, I make it out of my car and into the house in record time. I'm trying to squeeze my way through the sweaty bodies and I see Madison.

"Hey, where's Tyler?" I ask her.

She stares at me and giggles. I know she's super drunk. "They're in there," she points toward what I believe is the kitchen. She hugs me and whispers in my ear, "I'm going to miss you so much, bestie."

I hug her back and tell her that I will miss her even more.

Before I walk away she yanks me back to her. "Ouch," I say while fixing my sweatshirt. She comes closer to me "I think I might be pregnant," she whispers in my ear. I look at her confused. I have so many questions to ask her, but I ask the first that comes to mind. "Then why in the hell are you drunk?" She nods a no. "I'm not. I'm pretending. I get drunk at almost every party I go to, so if I don't at least pretend that I am drunk, people will make assumptions."

I'm speechless. I hug her and tell her that we will talk about this later and she agrees.

When I finally reach the kitchen, I look for Cooper and Josh. When I get to them I ask where is Tyler and they tell me he's in the back.

I walk out the patio and see him sitting in a chair and Taylor is sitting next to him. I instantly get angry. I stalk over there and she sees me before he does. "Oh thank God," she says relieved, "I was about to pull my hair out if he said anything else about you."

"So what," I say irritated.

She scoffs. "Look, you really need to chill. Our feeling towards each other is mutual, but I care about him," she says pointing to Tyler, "and he cares about you, so talk to him please." I nod my head at her and she leaves.

I sit next to Tyler and rub his arm. He looks up at me in a daze. "Am I dreaming?" I mouth a no.

He instantly pulls me into a hug, and whispers over and over how sorry he is. "Baby, I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. Please believe me."

I glance up and take a good look at him. He looks so tired. He has a week's worth of stubble, he doesn't have a haircut, and those beautiful blue-green eyes aren't shining anymore. Tears come to my eyes and I bite down on lip, fighting like hell stop them from boiling over.

He looks down at me and pain crosses his face. "Oh, baby no" he reaches over to wipe my eyes, "please don't cry for me. I'm the one that messed up, not you."

"I just care about you so much," I sob, "I hate knowing that I'm the one that drove you to this. You're such a good person, Tyler."

He grabs my hand and squeezes it. "That's not true. You didn't do anything, but please can we go somewhere else."

I stand and grab him to lead us back inside the house. As we walk past the kitchen, I see Cooper and he nods at me in approval.

I help Tyler into my car and put his seatbelt on. When I get inside I see him rubbing the interior. "Nice jeep," he murmurs. "I've never seen you drive it before."

I briefly glance at him before turning my attention back to the road. "Where are we going?"

"My house," he says.

I've been in Tyler house before, but that was only for the party and I didn't really pay attention to any details. As I take everything in, I don't know how it was possible for me to not notice how beautiful it is.

"Your house is.. so amazing," I whisper, taking in the Spanish style. The arched glass windows, hallway entrances, and the balcony overlooking the living room. I'm speechless.

"My mom would beam ear to ear if she heard you say that. She put her all into decorating it."

"Job well done," I say under my breath.

He grabs my hand and leads me up the stairs. We get to a closed door which I figure is his room. He opens the door and goes straight for the bed.

"Addy, can you please pass me the pills that's in the bathroom," he points to a door across his room.

"Be right back," I murmur. I open the cabinet and grab the Aleves and see a glass next to the sink. I fill up the glass and return to his room.

"Here you-" I stop in mid sentence. Tyler is past out on the bed.

"You've got to be kidding me," I say.

I sit the pills and the water on the bedside table and sit on the bed. When I woke up today I thought I would be laying in bed all day reading books, maybe watch a movie or two with Raley. I didn't think I would be at Tyler's house at three in the morning. I look over at him and my heart melts a little. He looks so peaceful with his lips parted and hair falling on his forehead.

I grab my keys and lean over to push the hair away from his face and kiss him on his forehead.

"Don't go," he whispers. His voice is so low I think I am hearing things until he say something else. "Please don't go."

I lay back down on the bed and snuggle up against him and he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me into him. I exhale and close my eyes. "I'm falling in love with you, Tyler," I say knowing that he can't hear me. 

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