Chapter 17

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The next week approaches very soon and by the time Thursday night come I am a nervous wreck.

"Lynn, I don't know why you're so nervous. It's Tyler. Your boyfriend," Ava says on the other end of the phone.

"Yeah, we're talking about a guy who fucked your brains out a couple of weeks ago. I mean he's seen you naked so you have nothing to worry about," Madison comments.

We're on a three-way call and I'm telling them how much I am freaking out. Your best friends are the people you go to for advice and comfort, but now I'm starting to regret calling them after what Madison just said.

Ava and I both laugh at her statement. "Yeah you guys are right. Mostly you are, Ava, but I guess Madi is too."

"Of course I am," she chimes in. "But don't fuck too much when he comes or you'll be walking around rocking the baby bump like me."

"Oh my goodness, y'all are crazy. Lynn, don't listen to her."

"Whatever, Ava. Seriously, Lynn you have nothing to be nervous about. Tyler is head over heels for you."

I tell them that they're right and I shouldn't be over thinking things at all. It's only been a month since I last saw Tyler and that's not really that long. I change the subject and ask Madison about the baby to which she is more than happy to talk about.

"Oh it's going very smoothly now," she gushes. "I'm not having anymore morning sickness and I wanted to have a gender reveal party when I get to eight months."

"That is so wonderful, I can't wait," Ava says enthusiastically.

I walk over to my bed to plug my phone into the charger and put the call on speaker. "Yeah, me either"

"Well that is what I wanted to do, but your impatient ass cousin wants to know the gender as soon as we can. So we'll be going when you guys come home for spring break."

"Oh my God, I'm so excited," I shriek.

While we're in the middle of listening to what Ava has been up to, I get a text.

Why do you keep ignoring me? I haven't done shit to you.

"He needs to leave me alone," I rush out.

"Who," They both ask in unison.

"Shit. I thought I said that in my head."

"Well you didn't, so who are you talking about," Madison aks.

"You guys remember my friend, Zayden?"

"The cutie that you posted like two pictures with on your Instagram?"

"Yeah, he's really cute," Madison laughs.

"I didn't post those pictures, he did. But yes him."

"Well you didn't delete them either and even you know he's hot," Ava says in a sing-song voice.

"He is. I'm not gonna lie about that, but anyways," I groan.

I tell them about the conversation Tyler and I had last week. I also tell them that me and Zayden haven't talked that much since that night. When I see him in class it's usually a hello and goodbye. He still brings me tea every morning to our class, but that's as far as it goes. At first he thought I was going through some life changing experience (his words, not mine). When days past he realized I was only ignoring him, so he's been texting me ever since.

"I think you should tell him why you're being that way towards him," Ava says.

"Yeah.," Madison agrees. "You don't have to tell him every detail, but you do owe him an explanation. You guys are friends and I know he has a crush on you, but it's not like you'll ever entertain it."

"Once again, you guys are right. I'll text him later, but I have to go. OTH is calling my name, so we'll talk later. Love you guys."

"We love you too, Lynn. Bye."

I hang up the phone and walk the little distance to the couch. As I try to finish up the episode I get another text from Zayden.

This isn't how friends treat each other. And this definitely isn't how future wives treat their husbands.

Before I can reply he send another text.

I'm kidding about the second part (sorta). I know you're watching OTH. What episode are you on?

I smile at my phone and shake my head. I kind of hate how well Zay knows me but I also like it too.

Stalker. I'm on S3 Ep. 16.

Not a stalker, I just know you.

I guess. Sorry for ignoring you. I'll explain soon. Forgive me?

I know I should tell Zayden as soon as I can, but I'm going to put it off until after Tyler leaves this weekend. I don't want him to go back into his habits while my boyfriend is visiting me. He wouldn't find that amusing at all and the first thing I will do when I talk to Zayden is set up boundaries. I know I can't only blame him for his actions because I allow them, when I shouldn't. I get lost in my thoughts until he replies back.

I'll always forgive you, you're best bud.

Oh and by the way, Dan shoots Keith in that episode and he died. Talk to you soon. x

I inwardly groan and cut the TV off. He just ruined everything for me.

I hate you. So fucking much.

You don't.

I ignore his text and walk back to my bed and lay down. There's no use of finishing the rest of the season tonight. I would call Tyler, but we both agreed on not talking to each other until we come face to face. I asked him if he wanted me to pick him up at the airport but he insisted on getting a cab so he could surprise me.

I close my eyes and try to get some sleep.

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