Chapter 5- Destruction

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I had found a route home and I was grateful that I'd lost those humans chasing Lily and I. I slowed my pace as I arrived at the village. Shock washed over me as I took in everything around me. The village had been attacked and now it was deserted. Where have they gone? I wondered silently. The teepees were wrecked and a cloud of smoke stung my eyes.

I found a trail of footprints in the mud leading away from the old camp. I decided to follow it, hoping that I would eventually find the tribe of Native Americans. I took one last look at the old village and remembered what it had looked like just yesterday. It was unharmed and everything was perfect, now it was a wasteland.

I broke into a canter and followed the trail, refusing to let myself look behind me and see the village again. The wind blew through my hair and I stopped to make sure my feather that Little Creek gave me was still in my mane. The little brown - tipped feather was still there and I kept going.

The trail led me through wide open fields and dense forests until I reached a rocky landscape with a waterfall. The trail ended right there. I smelled the villagers and their horses. They had gone behind the waterfall. 

As I continued to walk slowly through the waterfall I closed my eyes, not wanting to get the water in them. I emerged at the other side and gasped. It leads to a huge field! I thought. 

The new camp was bigger than the old one. There was an apple orchard, a beautiful sparkling pond, and the teepees had been rebuilt. There were little kids running and screaming happily, and there was human food being cooked. 

Instantly I remembered why I had hurried all the way here and trotted through the village to find Little Creek. I looked through the opening of each teepee until I found the one that my human lived in. 

"Rain! You came back!" Little Creek smiled as he put his arms around my neck.

I nickered and welcomed his hug. I pointed with my nose away from the village in the direction of Lily, trying to get Little Creek to understand he needed to follow me. 

His face expression changed. He didn't know why I wanted him to follow, but he got on my back and called another human's name. Soon the human came, riding his horse. 

Please let Lily survive...please please. I prayed. 

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