Storm and Rain

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Ryuuichi hummed as he looked over the whole of Namimori on the roof top as the sun slowly, but surely, raised. His headphone were on as a slow song played. He had came to school two hours before it started, accompanying his brother who had morning practices. He himself had club activities in the morning, but he wasn't in the mood to go, so he had skipped and since it was still very early, he decided to spend some time walking around the school.

'Now that I think about it... There's abandon music room somewhere...' He walked out of the roof top and towards where he thought the music room was. Unknown to him, Hibari was on his usual spot on the roof, out of the teen's view. He was listening to his humming silently. He opened his eyes when he heard the footsteps and the sound of the closing door. "Hibari. Hibari" His yellow bird called out. He stretched out a hand for the bird to land as he yawned.

Ryuuichi slid open the door and looked into the room. It looked abandoned alright. The dark blue curtains looked like they haven't been washed or changed for quite a while. He walked up to the piano in front of the classroom and placed a hand on it. Dust were piling on top of the piano. He took a cloth that was on a random table and used it to whip the dust away from the piano, coughing a little as the small particles flew about.

He gingerly opened the cover and stroked the keys lightly, his pointer finger then pressed on a white key. The sound of the middle C sounded so off. He then remembered that a teacher that was blabbering nonsense, much to his chagrin, had mentioned about this music room. The teacher said that this room was abandoned because it was haunted. It was said that the guard that was patrolling around the school had heard the sound of piano in the middle of the night, and when they checked, there was no one.

At first, of course, nobody believed the guard at first, but a few students and teachers started experiencing it themselves, they knew it was haunted.

He scoffed. It's not like he don't believe in ghost, but he didn't exactly believe it either. He sat down on the piano stool, fingers on the key, as he slowly played a piece he vaguely remembered. He had learnt playing the piano before, but it has been years since he last played it. He winced a little when the last note sounded so terribly off. The piano must haven't been tuned for quite a while.

Though, he wasn't going to complain. After all, he can't tell anyone he knew how to play the piano. His fingers begun moving again, playing a different piece. His right leg pressed on the pedal repeatly as he gradually got louder, before it softens again. Memories of his past life slowly appeared, hazy after all these years of burying them deep in his mind.

"Xxx!! Play a song!!"

"Well, if only you play one for me~!"


He smiled in nostalgia. He was so deep in his thoughts and concentration, he didn't realized someone was listening to him all the time.


Gokudera had been folding paper planes since last night and tried to shoot it down. It will be his turn and he hadn't completed his training, nor had he done any improvisation. No matter how he tried, he couldn't hit those paper planes. When he asked Shamal, that damned perverted doctor said it was like flirting. He was still 14. How does he know how to flirt! And he wasn't interested in anyone right now, nor had the interest to be in a relationship. Right now, what matters is Tsuna and Vongola.

He was currently taking a break, as Shamal had forced him to, and was strolling around the school ground. He hadn't really explore the school every since he was transferred here. His steps faltered to a stop when he heard the sound of a familiar instrument. Bad memories suddenly rushed into his mind like a bullet train that made him scowled.

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