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Hi guys! Okay so I just published a sequel to this story, named Core. Anyone interested can go check it out! (I can't guarantee that it is any good though.)

This story is about Caelum and Vongola First Generation, sets around 1800s in France in the first few chapters and Italy afterwards. (I've set the First Generation's era around the 1600s in this story at first but to match the timeline with the beginning of Cosa Nostra, I changed it. Sorry about that.)


His life was peaceful. His family was ever growing, increasing in number as day passed. He was happy, satisfied with his peaceful and slightly mundane life. He loved his peaceful and mundane life. Just as things couldn't get any better, Fate decided to rob everything from him, shattering his happiness, his sole reason to live.

And Fate decided a path for him that turned his world upside-down, for the better and the worst.  

And, well, I kind of feel bad about posting this chapter just to advertise its sequel, so here's a small drabble, which I've not posted up for who knows what reason. (I don't remember.)


The rings Ryuuichi wore were nothing but important to him. It was his life, he would say. The first ring he had ever wore was the symbol of the beginning of his journey, the Historian Ring. It led him into a lot of mayhem and shenanigans which he would rather do without, but he still had the time of his life. He wouldn't trade it for his soul. (Well, to be exact, it wouldn't even leave his soul anyway.)

The second and/ or third ring was the Vongola and Cavallone's. These rings were wore the least frequent, because he had made himself known to the underground where he stood at times, even though it was confusing as heck. He would only wear it if he was ever on a mission for one of the Famiglia.

The last ring he had, was the one he loved the most. It wasn't the Historian ring, of course, no. It was this plain, simple silver ring. No one knew how he got it, or who gave it to him, but it was a huge giveaway since he wore it on his ring finger. There were questions thrown around about it, and bets even, but all of them knew who gave it to him. It was as obvious as daylight. (After all, Ryuuichi had all but stared lovingly at the ring and kissed it once or twice when he thought he was alone.)

It was the only ring that Ryuuichi would treasure greatly, and fight those who said anything about it. The only one that Ryuuichi had never ever taken off after receiving it.

(If anyone noticed a matching ring that Hibari wore on his ring finger, they said nothing about it. They treasure their lives after all.)


A/N= I actually posted this on my wall that one time because I needed an outlet, or so it seemed.


Tsuna had never liked school nor morning. He loathed the thought of waking up to face another day of jeers and bullies. But that was all before Reborn came into his life like a storm and promptly turned his life upside down. He was woken up by the hitman in various of crazy ways, his crazy friends keeping him company and his family filled his life with noises and colors. He came to like morning, where his family will be with him.

And he love how alive everyone is.

"Tsuna, Yato, Takeshi. Good morning." They turned around to see Ryuuichi with his back pack slung onto the other side of his shoulder, not the injured one, smiling at them. They grinned back just as bright.

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