The First Cloud and Giotto

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"Tsunayoshi!" The said brunette along with Yamamoto and Gokudera turned around, and saw Yuuichi running towards them. The teen stopped in front of Tsuna, panting lightly. "Tsunayoshi. Have you seen Ryuuichi?" Tsuna frowned. Why would Yuuichi ask him about his own brother's whereabouts? 'Unless...' He shook his head, to both shake the negative thought away and as a gesture that he hadn't seen Ryuuichi at all.

"No. I haven't seen him all day.."

True, he didn't see him at all. He wasn't at the roof top, nor was Ryuuichi with Hibari. It was when Hibari appeared, looking all grumpy and all did he realized that Ryuuichi was absent. At first he thought that the teen was simply sick and stayed home, but with Yuuichi here now, it doesn't seem right.

Yuuichi himself frowned, his breathing calmed. He had been searching for him since the morning and now it has already 2 in the evening and he still couldn't find his brother. When he tried to call him, his phone was offed. He hadn't ask Hibari, which he should have done it in the first place. Ryuuichi had told him that he would be going to stay over at the prefect's and would straight go to school in the morning, but he didn't. He was marked absent, and the reason was something even Yuuichi himself doesn't know.

He felt even worried when Tsuna, one of their friends whom Ryuuichi would always hang out with besides the prefect, said that he didn't know. He looked to the other two and frowned even harder when they, too, shook their head.

Tsuna's hyper intuition was ringing right after that and he immediately called out for the teen. "D-don't worry Yuuichi.. Umm.. Ryuuichi will be alright! He'll probably be back later--" He sweated when Yuuichi doesn't seem to believe him. Fortunately for the brunette, Yuuichi nodded as he felt like he could believe him. Plus, Ryuuichi wasn't one to disappear without a reason so he would definitely come back.

He darkened at that thought. Ryuuichi is so going to get a good beating when he comes back.

(The three of them try to push down the shiver that was coursing through them when they noticed the changes in Yuuichi's aura and even backed away a little.)

Now... Where the hell is Ryuuichi?

Meanwhile, Reborn, who was on the sideline (Trees) watching them, tilted his fedora down a little. He wasn't smirking nor smiling at all as a thoughtful look was cast.


Ryuuichi sneezed once, body jerked slightly and tugged at the rope that bound his hands together at his back. He sniffed, feeling as thought someone was talking about him. He sighed, and looked out the window, frowning. The sun was up high, and it was very very sunny, which meant it was probably in the afternoon currently. Which also meant that he had been held captive here for the whole night and half the day. He sighed, feeling deja vu for the nth time.

A sudden chill run through him before he sneezed again and the door opened. He looked up and gave his kidnapper a scowl. "Mind telling me why did you kidnapped me?"

The man chuckled, quite amused if Ryuuichi must say. "Nufufufu~ You knew what was going to happen. So I need to make sure that you don't interfere" Daemon Spade sauntered nearer Ryuuichi before crouching down to the teen's eye level. And said teen was glaring daggers at him.

Ryuuichi raised an eyebrow when Daemon stared at him and memories of when Mukuro captured him played in his mind. 'Gosh. Their resemblance are uncanny. And definitely creepy' He immediately pushed that thought away when Daemon spoke again. "Hmm~ I would ask you for a brief on what would happen but it seems like you wouldn't talk, would you?"


The man smirked. "How interesting. Well then, I shall leave you to rest til all this is over" He waved his hand and an illusion was cast onto the wall, revealing a screen that shows Tsuna and the others. "This might keep you entertained for the time being. See you later"

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