Chapter 11: A Month Later-The Hunters

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"What I ask of you is a simple task," Darth Vader said, eyeing his specially chosen acolytes from the raised platform where he stood. No, not stood. Where he rose above all others, other than the Emperor himself, basking in his power and glory, where all of his lackeys abided by his rule. But today, not all of his Inquisitors were with him. He had chosen his top five Inquisitors for this special task. And the reward it had for one of them was greater than ever before. "I want the Padawan. The one from Lothal. Find him, and you are the new Grand Inquisitor. All I ask for in return is that boy."

He looked out at the Inquisitors below him. Some smirked, believing it would be easy. The Seventh Sister and the Fifth Brother, however, stayed straight-faced."It is a simple task, but it will not be an easy one. This particular Padawan is very.... Resourceful, to put it. And clever. Not to mention that he is incredibly strong with the Force. Likely, stronger than most of you. And he has allies."

One Inquisitor, called the Second Brother, spoke up. "Who is the boy?"

"Ezra Bridger," Vader replied. "Does it matter, Second Brother?"

The human shook his head. "No, my Lord. It would be a privilege to bring him to the Empire."

"Good," Vader said. He stared at the man with an icy tone in his voice. "Because it would be awful if your personal feelings got in the way of the mission, wouldn't it?"

The message was clear. Do not let your personal feelings get in the way, or meet the consequences.

"Yes, my Lord," Bridger's father bowed.

"Go." Vader waved his hand. "Oh, and when one of you finds the boy, bring him to Coruscant. I will be personally overseeing his arrival."

As the Inquisitors left the room, Vader sensed slight unsettlement from the Second Brother. Do not fail me, Ephraim Bridger. Or prepare to meet your fate.

Hiiiiiiii! Sorry I haven't updated this in a while, I was busy with my The Force Awakens fanfiction. Go check it out if you haven't already! And sorry this is short, but there wasn't much that needed to be said in this chapter.

Also since this novel takes place way before Legacy, I figured I'd add another twist. You'll find out what happened to Ezra's mother later.... ;)

May the Force be with you,


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