My fangirls

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My first AU please like and comment

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

"Why are all these girls so into me of all people me?" I thought as they all squealed behind me.

Hello my name is Sasuke Uchiha and I'm a student at the leafs high school. I won't deny that I'm mildly attractive, I'm athletic and cool but the girls are way too obsessed. Girls suck for a couple reasons one girls are impossible to understand two they care more about boys in their own future and three they can't read boys ( at all). They should know by now that I'm not looking for relationship I need to focus on my grades, to get into a good college and my famous father will be proud of me. Even if I do it doesn't matter because my brother already did all of this his name is Itachi Uchiha my family came over from Japan that's why we have such weird names. Suddenly I hear really loud squeal I grown and turn around I know the routine, every day the rest of the girls will push some poor freshmen into the hall to talk to me fortunately the bell rang just then the girl "bye" I say and walked down the hall. I can practically see all the girls saying ' he even walks cool '. I sent my next class with a second to spare and sat in my spot by the window I can zone out in this class. It's my best subject I like to do two things in this class one stare out the window and think about my crush two look at my crush the beautiful blonde with sky blue eyes and the famous grin . Now before I say the name you should know something about me I'm gay. I like a boy can't tell anybody my family would disown me or put me 6 feet down. I like a boy named Naruto he's really cute okay scratch that I'm a Uchiha and Uchihas don't do 'cute' things. No stuffed animals no cute pets but Naruto was so perfect and dare I said it cute. He always looks like he's about to explode. I swear he has ADHD and not in the good way but in this class he looks like it's trying to pull his hair out. He seems to have sort of a problem in this class it seems to be the only class he has trouble and he's a genius (also from Japan). The class is English and he can't read English very well he can speak English perfectly and in an accident nonetheless. But writing it just seems hard for him I kind of wanted to help him but that would put me in close proximity to him. That was out! No I will not spend time with Naruto Uzumaki alone if I do I might tell him how I feel and I won't do that. I look at him with a small smile on my face and then I hear the teachers voice "Sasuke?" "Yes" I asked the teacher looking up at him. "I need you to help little Naruto over here." He said smiling
If it was any other student I would have groaned and said okay but Naruto. "W...what I...I can't." Then I hit myself mentally " Baka" I whispered then the teacher was right in front of me. "Sasuke I told you to help Naruto and I expect you to help him as I said." The teacher looked at me with a look that said I can tell your father I should've known the only way I got into the school because my father he knew most of the teachers and the headmaster was his friend from elementary school. I mean I'm not genius like all the other students here like Naruto and my goddamn brother. All the teachers were really strict thats the one thing I don't like about school well and the girls too. I walked over to Narutos desk I pulled up a chair "hi" I said then turned away this was going to be a disaster. I was good at putting fake emotions on my face so I smiled at him he smiled back the teacher clapped his hands "okay you're going to be partners with the person to your left Naruto and Sasuke you two are partners, you will write a short story together and you may do this over video chat if you wish. I think it should be together in person this will be better that way... dismissed."Two ways I can look at this one I have an advantage because I live close to Naruto so that's good two I'm dead this is gonna kill me I will have to spend copious amounts of time to write a story with him. I don't know if I can keep my mouth shut for that long.

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