A Bastard Tool

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Six years later......

Like every scorching morning at Gerudo Desert, Dark Link woke up with a dry mouth, in a straw pile on the floor to the sound of one of his father's minions garbling their weird language. Dark Link, like always, ignores the stupid minion's screeches and kept on sleeping until the minion smacks his head with a club.


"Ouch!" Dark Link grabbed the back of his head. The minion swings the club back. Dark Link dashes his other free hand forward in a gesture to stop. "OK okay, I am awake now! You can quit it now, Bodoh." Bodoh has been one of Dark Link's father's minions for years. Bodoh helped raise Dark Link and one of the few who learned English.

"Our King wants to speak with you over breakfast now, Dark Link" slurred Bodoh. Bodoh was a bublin with slime green skin, stubby legs, long arms, and red eyes. 

Dark Link stood up from his hay pile bed and follow Bodoh to the dining hall;  the only room out of the whole hideout that wasn't made of sticks, twigs, or logs. Dark Link's father, King Bulbin, was always at the end of the long wood dining table eating freshly stolen food, while the other minions like Bodoh had to eat goblin mush. 

Dark Link hated goblin mush. They had it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. "Father! Why can't I have the food you eat! Remember I just finished mastering dark magic as you ordered me to!" 

"True you did my son, but that brings up the same matter I wanted to talk about with you. You will not eat Hylain food until you learn the ways of the blade," replied King Bulbin.

Dark Link whined back, "Haven't you seen me practice in the courtyard. I could take one anyone now! Even you, father!"

"But you haven't killed one thing. When you were five, you killed one cuckoo and you brought a sea into the desert. Tonight if you want a feast of Hylian food you shall kill on one the bublins."

"I-I guess I will kill one of them" responded Dark Link.

"Remember what I always told you: no one's life should matter to you but yours."

"Yes, father".

Throughout the day, Dark Link did combat training with a sword, shield, and bow. Dark Link was to be elite in everything if he was going to kill The Hero of Time

Night had fallen. In the square courtyard, King Bulbo sat in his throne. Dark Link stood in the middle.

"Are you ready Dark Link? You can not surrender this match," Announced King Bulbin. Dark Link waved his sword as his response. The King continued  "Then you must kill Bodoh".

Dark Link's eyes widen, his sword dropped, "I surrender father! Bodoh is my only friend,  I cannot kill him!" he cried. But Bodoh dashed at him swinging his club at full force. 

"If you were friends, why is he trying to kill you?" inquired King Bulbo. Dark Link was so confused; Bodoh was acting so heartless. All the other fifteen bublins watching made calls, cheers, and battle cries, while the King just laughed. 

"I do not know father! Why?!" Cried Dark Link as he was trying to escape Bodoh's club. 

"He is only alive to serve me and my orders. He is disposable. You can not get yourself attached to these Bublins, they don't have emotions or a soul." explained the King. 

Dark Link's anger grew; those bublins are just tools for the master plan.

How could he have been such a fool?

Dark Link ran for his sword in the middle of the courtyard. He gripped the handle; Bodoh ran towards him.

In one strong swing.

Dark Link decapitated his only friend.

Bodoh's body dropped to the floor, the blood was dripping out. Dark Link couldn't look at it any longer. He could kill his friend, but he couldn't see his friend's dead body. Dark Link wrapped his arm around his mouth; the stench of the cadaver was awful. 

He looks up at his father. "Wait, my son, I have more." added the King. At the snap of his fingers, the bublins that were watching jumped into the courtyard to fight Dark Link. 

Dark Link was starting to be overwhelmed by the bublins. As he started to slay them left and right, he began to hear his father speak again.

King Bublin proclaimed "What are these bublins my son?"

"Disposable!" Dark Link yelled back 

 "What are they for?" The King shouted back

 Drenched in sweat from fighting, Dark Link retorted "The master plan for my destiny!"

 "Whose life is the only one that matters?"

Dark Link killed the last Bublin, then whispered "Mine"

He ran and slid towards his bow on the other side of the courtyard and, in one draw of the bow, he shot an arrow towards his father.

The arrow stabbed the King in the chest

"Gyah," said the King weakly. Then he started laughing. "Ha ha good job my boy! Our master shall be proud of you! Now you have been granted to travel freely outside the desert and eat Hylian food. Your training has been completed. Now we wait and supply for the fun part of the master plan." The  King got up and left Dark Link standing among the sixteen dead bublins. 

Dark Link spoke softly to himself, "The three goddess of creation, if you are listening, please bless me with your gifts of power, courage, and wisdom, if this truly is my destiny."

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