The New Life of Daku

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After Dark Link started to learn to kill, King Bulbin treated him like a prince.

But all of that had to change, in order for Dark Link existents to remain a secret. 

He had to leave the Gerudo Desert.

A Disguise of innocent and generosity will fool the smartest of enemies, King Bublin told Dark Link

"What do you mean father?" asked young Dark Link.

King Bulbo looked down to him. "You need to pretend to live another life, a new name. You must leave Gerudo Desert. We are sending you to be an orphan in the Eldin Province. We will send you the money and provide supplies. From now on you will live life freely until our master plan begins."

"Yes father, I will. What will my name be?"

"Daku; it means dark in Hylian. You must live this new life Daku and most important of all make friends. It will be easier to set the master plan in motion that way."

"Yes, father" Daku obediently replied while he cast a spell to change his appearance. He made his skin white, his hair turned dark brown, and his crimson eyes went to an ivy green. His father gave him rag clothes and brown boots. Because it sounds more like a name than his old one, Dark Link quickly became accustomed to the name Daku. Then he left on his journey. 

 Daku made a grand entrance in Kakariko Village.  He rode into town on a bulbo, crying for help on the back of a bulbin. As they pass the Edlin spring, a man wearing stainless steel armor arouse from a bench and equipped the redwood bow hanging off his back. 

You could see the man was a skilled warrior; he took out the bublin and the bulbo hog on one arrow. Daku reached out his left arm to break his fall, on the impact of the ground Daku heard a crack in his arm. Daku started to cry hard for real. The pain in his left wrist was blazing in agony. 

The man in armor walked towards him, then a little girl with black pigtails come from behind the man dashed passed him. The girl held Daku. "Little boy, are you okay?" Daku curled up holding his left wrist.

His eyes squinted in pain; small tears squeezed out. "No, no I am not. My wrist, it is killing me." he wept. He rolled onto his knees and pushed himself up on his feet. He held his wrist and walked towards the Village exit. 

I don't want to do this.

I don't want to make a friend.

I can't be nice.

I need to go back to my father and tell him I am not ready.

I don't care if he hangs me by my wrists for a whole day in the sun again.

I want to go home. 

"Hey, kid! Where are you going?" yelled the girl, but Daku just kept on walking and crying holding his wrist. 

The man in armor said, "Wait here Ashei; let me go talk to the boy." The man ran in front of Daku and knelt before him. "My boy, where are ya going with that broken arm of yers?"

Daku sobbed "Why do you talk so weird? And I don't call me your boy because I am not your boy. And I am going home; pray that I die on the way back. " Daku was sick of this life and lies he wanted it to all to end. 

"Where is your home? With those monsters? Where are your parents?" inquired the man. 

Daku stopped crying and put on a straight face. He looked at the man dead in his maroon eyes. "I lived with those bublins since I could remember; one of them had the guts to tell me he was my father. I knew he wasn't, we look nothing alike. I bet he killed my real parents."

The man was in shock. How could this little boy talk about death with no emotions? "But little boy Why are you going back?"

"I know nothing else."  Daku moved around the man and went on his way home again.

"Boy! You don't need to go back."

Daku stopped and tossed his head towards the man. "What do you mean?"

The man got up on his feet. "You can stay with us; I'll adopt you. I always wanted a son who was as strong as you are." 

"How can you tell I am strong sir?"

The man smiled. "You could tell the dirty truth."

"How could you tell I was lying before and that I am telling the truth now?" 

"You can see everything about a child through their eyes my boy"

Daku ran to the man's arms. Daku always wanted some kind of family, like the ones he heard about in the stories he read for his studies.

The man in armor took Daku in. The man had a small house across from the Kakariko Inn. The man carried Daku to a chair placed next to a fireplace in the far right corner of the house. "Ashei, get a wet cloth to wrap yer new brother's broken arm."

Ashei smiled "Sure thing daddy!" She grabbed a light gray cloth off the counter and ran outside. Daku began to cry again. He was starting to think cutting off his wrist would be better.

The man knelt down before Daku and grabbed his little warned out boots. Daku had a confused face on. "What are you doing sir?"

The man chuckled. "Haha, my boy, I am showin' you Eldin hospitality. Tryin' to make it feel like home by talkin' off those old shoes of yers. And stop callin' me sir. My name is Oto and my beautiful little girl's name is Ashei." The man placed the shoes next to the chair leg. He continued. "What is yer name my boy?"

"Daku," he said without a smile. 

The man smiled. "That's a lovely name, Daku. Now, Daku, let's see that wrist of yers" 

Daku sharply inhaled when Oto touched his wrist. "Hmm, it seems like its hurtin' pretty bad Daku. We gonna need to get Renado the Village shaman to look at this."   

Ashei ran in with the wet cloth and a bucket with water. Oto turned his head to her. "Is the water chilly honey?"

"Yes daddy; I got it from the spring. I even brought a visitor." the moment Ashei sweet little voice muttered the last word. Renado stepped in.

Daku had to tilt his head up to see Renado face; he was so tall. To Daku, Renado has some symbols on his clothing that was similar to a Sheikian. Renado had long dreds as black as the Gerudo Desert at night, his skin was the color of the landscape in Kakariko Village. He was almost like an Owl, with those big black eyes pinned on Daku, and the omnipotent wise spirit about him. 

Renado walked up and kneeled one leg in front of Daku. Renado greeted. "Hello Daku, the spirit Eldin has told me about you and welcomes you to his land. Ashei told me about your wrist." He gently held Daku's elbow, then gently placed Daku's wrist on Renado's free palm. Renado left Daku's elbow on Daku's knee. "Ashei, please give me the water." Ashei quickly handed it to him. Renado began to wrap to wet cloth around Daku wrist. "It is only a fracture. You will have your wrist completely healed in about three weeks. Just lay off that wrist, and this blessing will keep it from infections." Renado bowed his head and muttered

"Hi wa kono tamashī ni ana o iyasu tame ni warui rei o yaku koto" 

Daku started to scream "My wrist is burning!" Daku started to cry. A magical amber flame started on Daku's wrist, the flame was eating the fair skin of Daku, underneath was his old black skin. Pain all over. 

Renado bellowed "OTO, ASHEI, GET OUT THE CURSE IN THIS BOY IS BEING RELEASED! RUN!"  Oto and Ashei flashed out the door. Renado backed away. Daku glanced at the bucket of water next to him. The amber fire was turning him back.

Back to that ugly black skin; the skin of a monster; that white hair of a dead; those crimson eyes of the devil. 

Daku fell off the chair. 

I am Dark Link again.

Why did  I have to bear this terrible fate?

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