Chapter 12: Knowing

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Kylies POV.

Turning around hearing my name I see... Oh my god, how can, how can she even be here, how did she get here. I meet her and sorta tense up, but she hugs me, I make a noise but kinda hug back, releasing quickly I look at her. "You're real, right, please be real." I say She smiles and laughs. "Nah I'm just a figment of your imagination, now where am I." She whispers, looking around. I look around too, Briantae whose jaw drops, gets up and sprints over and jumps on her. She barely cates, her stumbling backwards.

"CAITLYN!" she screeches, causing the others to wince

She finally gets off, before pulling her into a hug again.

"You weren't supposed to see her," A dark voice invades the room "We talked about this, Tiffany, you stay with us, while we get information."

As one of the big doors shut, there is Nick fury, standing there in all his glory. Jordan is right, he has so much respect he coat doesn't need wind to flap.

"Now, please sit down." He says walking over toward the front if the table.

We move over and sit in the only three empty seats. I sit by Cap, Bri grudgingly moves over by Thor, and caitlyn, looking weirdly at everyone sit next to Hawkeye.

"So, what are your names?" Nick asks, staring out the giant window, which look great.

"I'm Miranda," Bri says, then signals over to me. "And I'm Kennedy," I almost wheeze out.

"I already told you my name," Caitlyn sasses towards Fury. I make a noise, making her turn toward me. I jerk my head making a face, she sighs

"Yes we know, Tiffany, what's the other girl's name?" He speaks. Its pretty obvious he doesn't believe any of us.

"Quinn!" Briantae almost shouts out. "Her full name is Quinn Xander" she continues, ending as if its a question. I sigh "My full name is Kennedy Brooklyn." I say rolling my eyes.

"Oh yeah, Miranda Bailey, and no I am not the chick off of Grey's Anatomy." She say looking toward Caitlyn.

"I'm Tiffany Major." She replies looking at us, sticking her tongue out.

Again it's pretty obvious he doesn't believe us.

They all practically shake their heads.

"So now tell now, how we couldn't find you anywhere on earth. Not in any databases or anything." He says putting his hands on the table.

"Don't ask us, we don't know." Caitlyn says leaning back in her chair.

God dammit she's going to get us killed

Fury clears his throat, Caitlyn raises and eyebrow. I clear ym throat also,

"Um yeah we don't know so, you should let us go." I say

Fury scoffs at me. "Now you will answer our questions." He says walking away from the podium.

"You know what? No i won't be answering any of your bullshit questions. I mean seriously what the fuck you find us in the middle of nowhere and treat us like we committed mass genocide. I mean you act like you believe us, we know you don't. And you all are over dramatic. I meant look, you take my friend, and we have no idea where it is." And questioning us? I mean you put us in hulk cages for fucks sake!" I yell out standing up and knocking over my chair. 

"Kylie," Bri says quietly

"What?" I seethed

"You're eyes, they're white." She whispers

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