Chapter 2: Why are you here?

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Jordan's POV

"She is one of their soulmates." 

"The others?" 

"Yes, the 3 other girls are here also." Why all the voices... Wait why are there voices.

 "She is waking up." Is, is he British?"

 "Good, unlock all there rooms let them find eachother, and get out." 

"But sir." 

"But sir no one, I brought them here for the others to be happy as well as themselves, it was the least I can do."

 "Understood sir." I feel something on my right wrist being taken out? Wait did they drug me? Are they gonna drug me?!

 Where's Mikaela, and Briantae. Oh god what did he mean by others. My eyelids are I think getting lighter? How is that even possible. 

I snap my eyes open, "GaHH why light." I pull my arm over my eyes. 

I look around the room I'm in? What the hell I swear I was at a carnival like a second ago! Woah I'm comfy, I look down..... Oh thank god I'm still in the Sam clothes. Ok time to pop this lemonade stand. Swinging my legs over I forgot I was still under a thin sheet. "Ah shit, happens every time." On the floor, now I finally actually get up (with extreme difficulty) and untangling the sheet from my shoes. 

"VICTORY!" I screech running toward the door. 

Wrapping my hand around the doorknob, I swing the door open, just to see, wait what no it can't be. Can it actually be Captain America? Now I know I'm really crazy.

Steve Roger's POV, aka Captain America
According to Fury's Intel, apparently a portal has opened to another universe was picked up. After Tony hacked the security cameras (which this happened at like 2 in the morning) we watched, 3 people? Maybe people, but could also be something or anything else. Tony being, well Tony tracked it, fronting where this 'portal' was. So now here we are packed into a jet on our way to a Derby, Kansas. According to the tracking, it led to a abandoned warehouse. Let's face it, it's not even abandoned but hey we have something to do. 

"Captain, we're landing in exactly 2 minutes, suit up." Natasha said. 

I get up and put my helmet on, well sorta helmet it's my regular one. Checking my shield was on my back, I turn around and push the lower button. The back of the jet lowered signaling the other avengers. Including the 'Fantastic four' fury asked them to help out, just in case. They're ok I guess, haven't really talked to them. Natasha and Clint come out from the pilots area. That's when everybody actually got up. The jet soon landed, (on autopilot of course) in the forest. 

"The place is a half mile north, let's get going" Clint stated.

 Walking a short distance through a sort of forest quickly, we came open the warehouse in the middle of an empty field.

 "Is that the place we're looking for?" Thor booms.

 "Thor! Shhhhhh and yes it is." Tony says through the earpiece.

 "Let's go." I say.

 We run up to the main doors taking positions. "On my mark." I say.

 Clint and I kick the doors in ready to take down anyone. No one is here, ok most likely a trap. I bring my hand up to my ear, and press the button 

"Natasha, take Bruce and go around the back, keep him calm. Tell Johnny, Susan, Reed, And Ben to split up and check the sides including windows." I order. 

"Tony, keep eyes on us from above." Almost forgot about him.

 "Thor, and Clint go to the right." I point to the right.

 "Bucky you're with me." I said signaling him over. Clint and Thor took off to the right, Bucky and I to the left. 

Going down the hallway, it eerily quie- "VICTORY!" Someone screeched.

 Bucky pulls out a gun, and points it down the hallway where the screech cam from while I took my shield off my arm. "Is that a person or?..." Bucky questioned. 

"I don't know, but let's go see, they might be in trouble." I say walking toward the noise. 

"Orrrrrr, is could be a trap." Bucky sarcastically remarked.

 "Really?" I said looking at him.

 "Yup, you know tha-" he's stopped mid sentence looking to my left side.

 I quickly turn around to see through a small circular window, a girl. Before I could open it she does, the girl is shorter, brown hair, with brown eyes, wearing a grey sweater, jeans, and converse. Isn't this supposed to be a base of somekind?

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