Chapter 9:"Friends"

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I miss when all I and to do was come home from college, do homework, and repeat. With little things in-between. Now I'm in a little cell with a hospital bed, and nothing to do. I'm even strapped to the bed. I haven't seen Loki, or my friends. Not like I can even get up, a girl who said to call her 'Simmons' came in and told me my 'status'.

'Well you see you have a pretty bad break on your ankle, 6 weeks, maybe more. You'll definitely have to stay off it at least a week or two after the cast comes off. Your wrist also, fractured will take also about 6 weeks, maybe less. Seeing as you broke it before, i saw the scarring, pretty nasty.And your head, was busted open my a sharp rock, i have it incase you want it. Also I found the wounds on your hand and right shoulder, about the right the shoulder it was dislocated so try to refrain form using it too. Anyways we stitched those up for you, that is why you have a bandage connecting you right arm sig, and a bandage on you hand. Press that button- oh sorry, uh just yell if you need anything, bye!'

Very enthusiastic one, she's nice, I think i'm actually trusting her. And a guy who is called 'Fitz' I really like that name. Of course I know them from Agents Of Shield, but i never knew it would be like this. I haven't seen Phil, or May. or Skye, yes i know 'Daisy' but whatever, I do what I want. Ive been in this small, very white room for almost 2 days..? If i counted right, but theres no clocks. They unstrapped me, and gave me a computer, i can watch Netflix. So yeah i have been watching Sherlock for two days straight, while eating crappy food similar to high school lunch. So far i have only ate the jello, and lemonade(which i requested) and a bit of meat. I know it's stupid but i wish Grant came back, first i would beat his ass, then kiss him. Each would most likely end up with me dead, but hey, yeah no i wouldn't do that. But i would think about it!

I also haven't seen Mac, or Bobbi, or Hunter, or anyone other than Simmons, I get it oh no, a prisoner. I keep asking about where my friends are, or Loki, but they just stay quiet, so i'm taking matters into my own hands. I've kept a plastic fork, or i can just be hella sneaky. Hearing voices i see Simmons coming, okay plan time. Going over to the door i squat being hidden by a cart. She walks in all the way and starts talking. Before the door shuts i hop out, really hurting my ankle, so more like one leg hop taking the closest thing next to me- a fire extinguisher- and hit the lock until a red light came on. Oh no, red light, so not good. She flips around shock on her face before banging on the glass talking to me

"Listen to me, okay you don't have to do this."

"Yes i do, Simmons, my friends, I am not supposed to be here." I sigh putting the extinguisher down, turning to walk away.

"Wait! They'll put you in the fridge," She shouts, I turn back to her. "We know your from a different universe, and your blood is different, it's showing that your an enhanced!"

Keep in mind it is very awkward being in a hospital gown. Wait an enhanced, like Wanda, or Pietro?

"What? an enhanced like, powers? No no no no, sorry you must've switched it up." I say shaking my head.

"I wasn't supposed to tell you, but you're nice, and i could tell you didn't know, we can tell it's just been admitted to your blood about 4 days ago. Let me out, and I'll help you, I promise."

I walk over to the door, and flip up the emergency switch that will open it.

"You promise?"

"I swear."

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