Chapter 7: Loki Saves the Day

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I thought the Avengers were chill. They are definitely not chill. I repeat not chill. When I woke up I was in a cage not any cage but the cage that was made for the hulk, and around me were 3 more cages holding my friends. So yeah you can say I'm a little more than pissed. So I've decided the silent treatment, except for my friends. Until 'they' came in aka the stupid yet all hot hero's.

"Hello, my name is Nick Fury, but you will refer to me as Director Fury. Now I'm going to ask you a series of questions which you will answer." Nick said, yes I know Director Fury whatever I'm a rebel.

I look him right In the eye hehe see what I did there? Anyways I look throughout the room again. Wade not In suit but in a black tee shirt and gray sweatpants, but no wounds of course healing factors, lucky. Thinking about my wounds I go to turn my head but think better of It, I don't want them to know I'm hurt, I don't want them to touch me, and I thought we were friends. Playing it off I turn around and look at my fellow inmates. Whom I've told the plan too. Briantae Is currently dozing off, not sleeping I mean who can fall asleep at a time like this. Just kidding she could. Kylie sitting on the floor looking at the team. Madi looked like she was gonna cry, good. They need to feel guilty.

"You can start off with telling us you names." Nick said the authority in his voice making me shiver.

I look over at him again, Rolling my eyes I sit down, and lean my head against the glass. Bucky is there not looking at me but straight ahead.

"How do you know Sergeant Barnes name?" He asked

Man this guy just doesn't give up. I look to him glaring. Then to Steve looking at me with little emotion. Then to Bucky who is actually looking at me, his eyes hold anger, and confusion. Looking away I stare down at my shoes, they're brand new, not like the slightly dirty ones I have- or had as of now. Man it is so cold, my fingers hurt because of the cold conditions, and my sweater just isn't doing it. This sucks.

Seeing movement I look over to see Pietro and Wanda come In, with Vision trailing behind them. Pietro has a bandage on his head and a handprint on his neck resembling Bucky's. Which by the way, looking down I roll up my sleeve and there is again a handprint left there from I'm assuming the day before. A Purple, and black, Hand print on my wrist from his metal arm. I quickly pull my sleeve back down, and look up to see Wanda glancing at me in curiosity. Oh shit, If this little witch thinks she can get into my head she's wrong. I scoot back more, seeing her eyes go red.

"Listen kid you can tell me the easy way or the hard way, your choice." Nick threatens me.

Loki looks, and glares at Nick.

"We shall not harm the Mid-guardian lady." Loki spits.

Nick ignores him, not even sparing him a look as the others do.

"Ok, then,"

He goes over and clicks a view buttons on what I think is a control panel. The door to the cage hisses as it opens.

"Agent Rowland, Agent Tanner, Grab the girl."

Nick spoke turning away, and walking out the door with his coat flapping. The two agents whom I just noticed start my way heading up the ramp. I jump up not going down with out a fight. Wincing when I feel the injury on my left shoulder. I heard desperate bangs on the other cages as my friends hit the glass protesting.

Loki runs into the cage putting up his hands and a green wall goes up where the door was stopping the soldier's. Loki then brings his hand toward the control panel and a... copy of Loki? Appears and presses a red button. Immediately the rest of the team springs, Bucky start toward the panel, but hologram Loki punched the machine breaking it. My friends start screaming, pounding against the glass. Steve runs over and hits a lever making the other cages door unlocked. Running in and grabbing my friends each. Loki turned to me

"It's the only way." he said.

"What? What's happening what do you mean?!" I half yell.

Suddenly the cage jerks, I hear hissing from above. He let's the wall down, and runs over to me taking me in his arms. Thor drops down to the floor where only a sliver of the doorway is left that you can see through.

"Brother! What do you think you're doing!" Thor booms

Then the cage fell.

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