Chapter 6: Meeting Part 2

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Jordan's POV

He took one look at me before turning to Pietro, who just got up. Bucky then proceeded to grab him by the throat and lift his feet off the ground before throwing him against the wall. Holy cow, 

"Woah woah, woah, calm down Bucky."

 I say running in front of him putting my hands up. He stopped and looked at me with a confused face on. 

"How do you know my name?"

 He asked. Oh no i'm in trouble. 

"Um well, uh, you see."

 I stutter before being picked up yet again by i don't even know. And now I'm flying. the person turned toward the window and flew through it. And I the graceful person I am screaming and turning so much I fell out of his arms. Screaming even louder, keep In mind that i was falling 90 story's straight to the asphalt.

 Okay the person is Falcon, who swooped and grabbed me throwing me through the broken window on glass. Just my luck even though most the glass fell out the window i just still got the pieces. Feeling a piece of glass cut my shoulder blade then feel blood, I became pretty mad. Getting up i accidentally  cut my hand from glass, but thank god no glass in it. Thank god for shoes. Hearing something behind me i see Falcon i quickly use my good hand and proceeded the smack the shit outta him.

 Before I could do it again a lamp hit him in the head. Ok wow turning my head i saw Kylie. And Madi who sprinted toward me spurting sentences along the lines of 'Holy frick is that blood' 'Ill kill him' then Madi  passed out. I sorta grabbed her but then the pain in my hand spiked, I yelped out and let go. Falling on my butt, I looked around to see Briantae still beating the crap out of Wade (Deadpool) with kylie who was also hitting him with a shoe.

Steve then walked and saw the chaos. A.K.A, I trying to move Madi away from the fights. Brianate on Wade who pulled his mask off and was pulling his hair and scratching his face. Kylie who was going in between helping beat Wade wither shoe, and Sam. Who was trying to save wade. Also a passed out Pietro next to a wall. With a dent in it. I turn to Pietro also passed, and started crawling toward him. I has already gotten Madi to safety, i prep myself up and take his head and put it on my lap. I see no bleeding, and run my fingers through his hair.Hearing more voices i turn to see, Peter, Wanda, Vision, Natasha, and well the rest of the gang. As i see Wanda running towards us, my head falls.Before passing out i see Nick Fury walk in looking very angry. Not being able to keep my eyes open I drift into darkness. 

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