Does it matter if I die?
Does it matter if I'm alive?
Would it matter if I go?
Does it matter if I say no?
I've lived a good life
Even with the strife
I have made friends
But now it's time for the end
Is my choices right?
Will I make it through the night?
Will I have another nightmare?
Will I not have a care?
I had a good family
Who always said ILY
They will say goodbye with a kiss
I wonder if they will miss
What happens if she dies?
Would I be brought to the skies?
Would it be so?
Or would I go down below?
A gun to my head
One shot and I'm dead
And if I don't
Then I won't
What if I make the wrong choice?
What if I lose my voice?
What if I won't be heard?
What if I can't be cured?
The choice is to be decided
And My mind has just died
I drop the knife
So I'll can stay alive.
Little stories of a Girl
Poezjatake what you think when you see the word 'girl'. and then take the word 'different'. because every 'girl' is 'different' to what you might think. and this is a story about those girls