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I rub my hands against my jean leg, my heart beats rapidly in my chest and a smile lights up my face.

"Oh Maia, you look so happy." My best friend Ethan says swinging an arm around my shoulder, my other best friend Tyson walked alongside is looking gloomy.

"Well someone is getting chosen today! It could be me and you know I've been wanting this since like forever!" I squeal excitedly jumping up and down.

"Yeah we know M." Tyson says grumpily and I give him a glare.

"Why are you being so grumpy T?" I say curiously. Yes we all usually call each other by the first letter of our first name. It's the thing we've done since young age, we are in Werewolf School.

It's a high school for werewolves, yes I am a werewolf that can shift into a proper wolf not half wolf like Scott McCall. I have four paws, claws, I am covered in fur, a snout and a tail.

After high school werewolves usually join a university, usually a human one considering there is only one wolf university, The Werewolf Academy.

One person through all werewolf schools is chosen to attend each month usually but this time they are accept 1 through the entire year. It's suppose to be amazing! There is a town near by where the Alpha of the school's pack lives.

The Alpha.

Where do I begin? I've never seen him before but I've heard about him, well not much. I know his name is Austin and that's he has a younger brother. That's it really. Except his parents have pasted away but that's a mystery too.

"Because." Tyson growls angrily and storms ahead of us, Ethan shrugs and leads me into the great hall where every student sits waiting for the announcement.

I climb the steps to a bench near the top, I take a seat next to Ethan and a very pissed off looking Tyson. I lean back in the seat feeling my heart race.

Our principal, Mr. Haring stands up at the podium and taps the mic. It buzzes and my ears tingle, heightened hearing has a down side.

"Good Morning students." He says in his fake British accent that he does to make himself look more sophisticated. Stupid ass.

"As you know today is the day where we choose one person, male or female, to take the train to Werewolf Academy. I know that you've all packed and you're all ready to go but only one will get the special chance. You will have the chance to meet up with the Alpha Blake, you will have the best teachers in the country and the best fighters training you. As you know Werewolf Academy is a very famous school and you will find they still have rules." He says loudly into the mic.

I grab Ethan's hand and squeeze it tightly in excitement. I breath deeply trying to calm my hyperactive nerves, I look down at the principal to find his eyes on me. I raise my eyebrow in utter confusion but upon seeing this he retreats his gaze.

"I can now announce the winner." He says and a women by his side, Mrs. Johnson the maths teacher here, hands him a envelope.

"Do you want to be chosen?" I whisper to Ethan's and he smirks.

"Of course you dumbass! Everyone does." He says a little too loudly, Mr. Peen our critical horrible bastard vice principal stalks over and hits us both across the head.

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