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I wake up feeling the urge to have some water, I don't know why but I'm really thirsty. I glance over my shoulder at a very sleepy Austin, his chest raising and falling in perfect motion.

I stand up and stretch my sleepy muscles hearing a satisfying click in my back, I shift into my wolf and trot towards the river that's in sight from the camp.

I crouch down letting my fur on my belly touch the leaves scattering the floor, I lap up the cold water and moan internally as the cool liquid runs down my throat.

I shake my body then trot back to camp, most people in wolf form by now getting ready to leave again. All the blankets and sleeping bags are packed into backpacks which are placed on many wolves.

I know that Austin is awake by now and I wonder why he hasn't come to find me.

'Maia.' Speak of the alpha and he will come, I smile internally at his voice. I look around and spot his black wolf running at me, when he is centimetres away his head wraps around mine in a wolf hug.

'You scared the life outta me. I woke up to you gone, my wolf is crazy mad at you right now because your pregnant and still came on his trip when it isn't safe.' He half scolds me, I lick his snout.

'I'll be alright, I promise that I'll stay by your side the whole time.' I say nudging his head with my own.

'Fine but if you need to stop or you don't feel right, tell me and we will stop straight away. I mean it Maia, I don't want you to push yourself.' He says sternly but I can feel his love and protection.

'Okay bossy boot, now come on let's get going.' I say pushing him then squeezing under his stomach and running over to the group.

I stand next to Austin at the front and he nods towards everyone then we are off. We all run close together keeping a ear out for any danger.

Austin glances back at me every 5 minutes to check on me, I just ignore it and keep running alongside him. We make good time as we run quickly and efficiently.


It's been yet almost another day of running and this is really starting to get to me. It wasn't as bad as yesterday but I'm getting tired now.

I let out a large huff and shake my head in annoyance, Austin looks at me and slows down. He licks my face softly making me smile.

'Come on Maia, let's stop now.' He mind-links me but I shake my head in return, the more I run today he less I have to run tomorrow because we'll arrived quicker.

He growls lowly and jumps in front of me making me half suddenly, I whimper at the pain in my paw. Must of twisted it slightly.

'Stop Maia.' He says his voice full of concern and worry 'please.'

'No Austin, we need to keep going. Like you said we can't stop until dark because we want to arrive as fast as possible.' I say then try to go around him but he jumps in my way again.

'Please Mia, think of our baby. You can't strain yourself, listen to your body. If it's telling you to stop that's what you have to do. Do not push yourself or you could harm the baby.'

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