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"It's was so great to see you Maia!" Jess, the Luna of the Red Moon pack in Britain, says giving me a hug.

"It was great to meet you Jess!" I say squeezing her. Jess became Luna at 16 when she fully mated with her mate Al. She is now turning 20.

I haven't seen Austin in about an hour, he went off with some of the Alphas while all the Lunas pulled me into a large outdoor fire pit.

"You will be an amazing Luna." Harriet says to my left as she toasts her marshmallow on the burning flames in front of us.

"Thank you." I say popping my half burnt marshmallow into my mouth.

Loads of people here are older, there are one or two that are the same age as me but they all became Lunas a few years ago.

"Maia!" Kendra says squeezing between Jess and I with a hand full of chocolate. She places a large piece in my empty hand before grabbing a stick and putting a marshmallow on it.

I follow suit and put the marshmallow over the fire, when I think it's done I place it on the square of chocolate and place it in my mouth.

"Jess." Al shouts heading towards us. Rose instantly stands up and puts her him and in front of her.

"Females only." She says crossing her arms "Last time I checked you were a male so go find them."

Al frowns at Rose then turns to Jess, "it's time to go babe."

Jess stands up but doesn't move, I only then realise her eyes are on something else. All the males are behind Al.

"What's going on?" Rose asks as we all stand up, I stand up slowly feeling my stomach twist and turn.

Jason steps forward with a grim look on his face "we had a rogue attack while we were walking along the edge of the boundaries."

All the ladies gasp and run to their mates, Jess holds Al's face in his hands and Rose hugs Jason closely. I watch each male and female closely trying to find my own mate.

"Where is Austin?" I ask stepping towards Jason. Everyone turns to me.

"Maia..." Jason says touching my shoulder. No, no, no! Before I could say anything a large scary growl shakes the ground beneath our feet.

A blood red wolf trots towards us then shifts into a man wearing a black cloak. He stands before me smirking, everyone growls.

With one flick of his finger everybody in front of me vanished. I let out a frightened gasp.

"Hello there Maiana," he says pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "It's good to finally meet you face to face."

"W-who are y-you?" I stutter feeling the chill around me as his red eyes find mine.

"I'm the Dark One or Dark Lord." He says walking around me. "I am the one you should fear."

He puts his hands on my waist and my stomach lurches as it is not Austin touching me. My wolf snarls and growls.

"I've been following you for years." He whispers in my ear "making sure I know how strong you really are. You see you are the only one who can stop me. The majestic wolf who apparently sees the future, present and past. But your powers have been suppressed so you haven't had them fully yet. Which meant I could get to you, hurt you. See how I could rid myself of you."

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