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Austin's hands held my hips as our lips locked together, moving in perfect sync. I put my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me.

He licked my bottom lip for entrance which I gladly gave him and our tongues played together. Our eyes were shut as we savoured every tingle and every spark.

We pulled away breathless and I decided in the moment when I looked into his eyes.

"Mark me." I whisper.

"Are you sure? I don't want to rush you." He says kissing my jaw softly.

"Yes," I say more confidently this time "Mark me as your Austin."

He sweeps me off my feet and takes me inside making sure to close the sliding doors before placing me on the bed. In a second he was on top of me kissing my lips hungrily.

I had to admit I was loving every moment of this. He was perfect and he was mine.

His lips left mine and trailed wet kisses down my neck until he reached the point where my shoulder connects with my neck bone. He placed a kiss there and I moaned loudly.

He lifted his head up and looked into my eyes with a smirk plastered on his face "I think I found where."

I couldn't help the slight blush that spread on my cheeks, I've never moaned like that before.

Austin wasted no time but he started sucking, nibbling and licking where my mark would lay which felt amazing, he could tell from the moans leaving my mouth.

I felt his canines coming out and before I could say anything they dug into my flesh making me scream loudly. Thank god this room is sound proof, well I hope it is...

Pain mixed with pleasure swam inside me then he finally pulled his canines out and licked the wound to help it heal. He looked at me and wiped my soiled cheeks.

"Shh it's okay baby, your mine now." He whispers reassuringly and lays down above the covers with me and I lean in his chest feeling utterly exhausted, "I think you should get some rest now Maia."

I nod and he gets up and walks into what I'm pretty sure is his walk-in closet. He walks out in only some shorts then walks over to me.

He passed me a shirt and some boxers before going into the bathroom. I change out of my clothes and put on his extra large top that drowned me and pulled on the boxers which were big but oh well.

I smelt like him, and I couldn't help but love it. I loves his scent, damp wood and pine. I threw my clothes in a washing basket before hearing the bathroom door open.

I turned to Austin and see him eyeing me up but I didn't feel uncomfortable, I guess this mark is already working. He grins at me before I get under the covers and he follows suit.

I face him and smile as he puts an protective arm around my waist and pulls me closer. I trace my fingers down his jaw and over his amazing lips.

He kisses my fingers and I giggle. Leaning against his chest I feel my eyelids closing.

Before I fell asleep I heard Austin mutter "I love you Maia."

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