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I wake up with the warm sun on my skin and strong arms around my waist. His hands softly caressing my bare stomach. My top has risen up showing my stomach and panties.

A smile spread across my cheeks and I stretch slightly, I get out of bed and put my hair up in a messy bun.

"Morning." A husky morning voiced Austin says sitting up slightly against the bed board, he smiles sleepily at me. I stand on the bed and walk up to him, I plop down with my legs either side of his waist.

I'm straddling him, oh well he is my mate and I feel slightly more confident this morning. Which only means one dreadful thing, I'm going into heat.

If you don't know what heat is, well it's bad. A female will go into heat a little while after meeting her mate, this makes her smell more intoxicating to the male. The male will get very protective and extremely possessive of his mate at this time.

She will need him at all times or she will be in agony, during heat is when they must complete the mating process otherwise the pain will get worse.

Heat was made by the moon goddess to help but to also make sure that mates complete the mating process and live a happy life.

But the problem with mating during heat is that there is a higher chance of pregnancy. Which I don't want my first time.

"Morning to you too." I say kissing him gently but pull away before we can go to far, I'm already feeling he heat kicking in. By tomorrow he'll be able to smell it but by tonight I will be able to feel it properly.

I quickly get off him and make my way downstairs giving him space to change, reality is that I'm trying to keep my distance while I focus my brain in something other than his amazing body.

I grab some ingredients and start cooking, I do love cooking and I'm quite good at it but it's not a hobby and not something I want to always be doing.

I flip the pancakes and pile them up, I make about 10 before washing up all the pans and spatulas I've used. I hear Austin coming downstairs and sigh with a smile.

I grab some fruit, Nutella and syrup before placing them all on the island along with two plates and the pancakes.

I take a seat just as Austin walks in, I look up at him and notice he is wearing red swimming trunks and a white sleeveless t-shirt. He walks over to me and places a kiss on my forehead then sits beside me.

"So anything planned for today?" I ask placing a pancake on my plate and smothering it with Nutella and banana's. Austin grabs some and puts on some syrup and blueberries.

"Not really no, I thought we could just chill out today. Watch films, sunbathe, swim whatever you want to do babe." He says eating his pancakes.

"Uh swimming sounds good and maybe see if we can learn some more things about each other. Although I think we practically know everything." I laugh finishing my pancakes and pushing the plate away.

"Sounds good." Austin says and carried on eating, I swear if we didn't have werewolf fast metabolism and training 24/7 then he would put on a few pounds.

"I'll go get changed." I say smiling, I kiss him a kiss before running upstairs and into the walk in closet. Right it's time to see what my best friends packed for me.

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