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I pushed away from his heated body and looks at the floor as my face turns a crimson red. I keep my eyes focused on the marble floor as he steps towards me.

"Maia, I'm so so sorry." He says and I hear his heart beat, he's telling the truth. He really is sorry.

"Why do you care?" I ask curiously and I look up and meet his eyes, he looks taken back by my question.

"Your my mate." He states like it was obvious but he isn't answering the question I meant to ask.

"I know that, but why do you care? Your the Alpha you could order me to forgive you and just leave me to carry on with my studies." I say sitting down and putting my face in my hands.

"I care about you already Maia, I would never order you because you are my equal. You are the future Luna and you and me are a team. I can't leave you, as much as I think it would be best for your studies I can't because your my mate and I will protect you with my life. The bond between us is stronger than most wolfs' and I will die before leaving you." He says strongly staring right into my eyes the entire time showing his exact emotions.

I feel on the verge of tears already and I only met him today. This mate thing is confusing.

"I knew I'm sorry...Alpha? Or should I just call you Austin?" I say shyly realising I have no idea what to call my own mate.

"My love, you are my Luna so you can call me Austin." He says caressing my cheek softly and placing a ghost of a kiss on top of my head. "As much as I want to stay with you, I have Alpha duties and you have to get ready for your first day tomorrow."

"Thanks Austin. I'll see you around?" I say as he starts heading out the door. He turns around and gives me a wide smirk.

"You can count on it." He says whole heartedly and I feel a smile spread across my cheeks. The warmth spread in my stomach and I love the feeling he gives me but it also scares me.

I break out of my trance when I hear the sound of rain hit the window, I shake my head and rub my temple softly trying to rid the thoughts of him from my mind.

The strong smell of disinfectant burns my nose, I quickly leave the room walking rather wobbly. I walk through the infirmary holding onto chairs as I walk so I don't look drunk.

"Ah Maia." A man in his 70's with grey hair says as he stands in front of me so I can't escape. I blink away the blurriness in my eyes and look straight at him.

"Uh yes?" I say confused and I'm forced to take a seat as my head spins.

"How are you feeling?" He asks looking at me worriedly, his eyes scan my face and his hand grabs my wrist and he takes my pulse "your pulse is very weak, how about you go back to the bed."

"No." I say quickly "I'm going back to my room."

He shakes his head "alpha wouldn't like that miss." I give him a look and I don't even know what it holds, confusion mostly but also happiness that he would probably care.

"I'll be fine, tell that to your Alpha. Nothing to worry about, if you'll excuse me I need to get ready for tomorrow. Thank you." I say politely as possible but with my head spinning I didn't really know what I was feeling.

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