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"I'm Lizzie by the way." The girl says as she makes her way into the Academy, I gasp and look around at the interior.

Everything is so professional and just has 'don't touch written all over it', well not really but it has that vibe. Like if you touch it you'll be in serious trouble.

There are a few armchairs in the large hallway along with paintings and decorative tables, Liz leads me up some spiral staircases and I smile.

I have always loved spiral staircases, we use to have one at school but there was this huge fight and they broke half the stairs so it was replaced with normal stairs.

"Your room is on the fourth floor. The alpha's office is on the top floor, which is the sixth floor. The beta and delta are on the fourth floor but the opposite side of the academy. The whole school is on the first or second floors then the third to fifth are rooms for all students and the sixth floor is for Alpha only or people who visit his office. If your found up there without permission you can be punished." Liz says and I absorb in all this information like a sponge in water.

As I'm taking in the decor of this place I notice Liz stop at a door, she pulls a key out of her pocket and places it in the lock. Once unlocked she opens the door and moved aside to let me in.

"This is your room." She says and hands me the key "I'll be back in an hour to take you to the Alpha, make sure your presentable even though I bet you look flawless in anything." She laughs and leaves the room, leaving me in this room.

My mouth is hanging open so wide I think the titanic could fit inside it, this room though. There is a large four posted bed in the middle of the large room that looks like it is fit for a queen.

There is a cushioned bench at he end of each bed and opposite is a glass sliding door that reveals a balcony where a hammock rocks in the autumn wind.

I turn around and am faced with a walk in closet that could for triple the amount of clothes that I've brought with me. Maybe I should buy more clothes when I go shopping.

Then next to it is a ensuite bathroom with a shower no bath but I don't mind really. I like showers better than baths but baths are amazing for colder days.

I dump my bag and suitcase in the walk in wardrobe and promise myself to unpack later. I walk to the double glass doors and open them letting the cold wind hit me.

I walk into the small balcony and look over the grounds. I see people training and I see others just relaxin in the grass, there are some people with books open and others making out with their partner.

Maybe their mates? If you didn't know we have soul mates, our other half. When you meet them your whole world changes and you both click.

Then you have to complete the mating process.

First the mark which is when the male bites the female where her collar bone and shoulder connect, it leaves a mark that wards off other makes.

Then the actual mating, which is just sex. It's completed the bond between the mates and makes them stronger. If it's an Alpha and his mate, his mate will be officially the Luna and helps the Alpha lead the pack.

Shit, I remember I'm meeting the Alpha soon I better get ready. I race into the walk in closet and grab everything I need then race into the bathroom. I showered this morning so I don't need one now thankfully.

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