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I wake up in a cold sweat, my breathing was heavy and my heart races. I glance at my naked sleeping mate and sigh, good I didn't wake him up.

I wipe my wet forehead on the back of my hand and sigh. That was the worst nightmare ever, I do not want to experience that again.

It was of my time with the hunters when they were saying bad stuff about me and my pack, driving my wolf into madness so I could shift out of anger. It was painful not allowing myself too.

I untangle my legs from Austin's and swing them over the edge of the bed. I run my hands down my sweaty face and groan.


It's too early, but I can't go back to sleep incase that happens again. And I really don't want that.

I get out of Austin's tight hold around my waist and walk straight into the closet to grab some clothes, then I went into the bathroom.

I turn on the taps and pour in some coconut bubble bath, I sit on the toilet seat and watch the rising bubbles. I listen to the running water and sigh.

I slowly slip into the warm water and sink in completely leaving my head poking out. My whole body relishes the warmth dancing over my whole body.

I let my mind wander and it finds itself in a field full of flowers, the colours bold and dazzling in the sunlight. I look around and find many picnic blankets with happy family's chatting and eating.

I walk down the field smiling at each other, I see Christian and Liz with two little boys fighting over a sandwich. Liz brakes it in half and the two boys eat it happily. Christian watches his son with pride and hugs Liz.

I find myself at another blanket with Katie and Nate, they are both laying down smiling at each other while a sleeping toddler lays on a blanket in the middle of them.

The little girl sucks her thumb and cuddles up to a white rabbit while her other hand holds Nate's finger. Katie smiles down at her little girl and kisses Nate.

I walk to the next one and find a very lonely Tyson, he looks up at me and frowns. He walks up to me and I raise my eyebrow in question.

"Maia," he says "it's important you trust me in the next few months. It's never been more important. Promise you will trust me whatever happens."

After a started few moments I nod quickly "of course I trust you Ty." I say and he sighs, his eyes dart behind me and his eyes twinkle with excitement.

When I turn around I smile too, a woman with pastel pink hair in a bun and grey stormy eyes carrying a newborn wrapped in blankets.

I watch as Tyson runs up to the women and looks at the bundle of joy smiling so widely. The women places the baby in his arms and Tyson kisses the baby softly before turning and kissing the women, his mate.

"Maia?" A voice drags me out of my mind and I open my eyes finding Austin knelt down by the side of the large bathtub.

"Oh hey Aus." I say sitting up slightly not caring I'm naked, I'm confident around him now and he is with me too because he is stark naked too.

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