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Hawk Moth

"You'll never get away with this!" The young teen boy struggled against the silver chains that were clasped around his wrists and kept him chained to a cement wall.

Hawk Moth chuckled darkly, watching the city of Paris through the circular window, his butterflies yet again ruffling their wings around him.

"My dear boy...you have no idea what I am capable of." He spoke without turning to face the teenager.

"Ladybug and Chat Noir are smart. Even if they do fall for this plan, together they will destroy you!"

Hawk Moth laughed yet again, turning to face the boy with an evil glint in his eyes, amused at what he was hearing. 

"Nathan. Do you not see it?"

The red headed teen frowned, pausing in his struggles to break free of the strong chains. "See what?" He spat.

"What is a Ladybug known for?"

Nathan thought for a moment, suspiciously eyeing Hawk Moth. "Good luck."

"Yes. And a Black Cat?"

"Bad luck."

"Exactly. They say opposites attract, but Ladybug and Chat Noir are too different. They were already going to end up destroying each other all by themselves, I'm just...speeding up the process per se." Hawk Moth grinned evilly at the frightened teen. "And you, dear boy, are going to help me.

Nathan's eyes widened with fear. "What?! No way am I helping you with this!"

Hawk Moth laughed again. "You have no choice in the matter. And once they are defeated, I will finally take their miraculous's for myself!"



"Hey, Marinette!" I heard a familiar voice call from behind me and I turned around to see Alya, running to catch up to me.

I smiled and stopped walking to wait for her. When she finally caught up she placed her hands on her knees and panted slightly.

"I...called your name...like five times." She huffed, regaining her composure. "You ran out of the classroom so fast that I didn't get to tell you the news! Dang, girl, you know I hate running!"

I giggled awkwardly. "Uh, yeah. Sorry...guess I've just been lost in thought lately."

Alya gave me a strange look but must've decided it wasn't a big deal because she shrugged and shoved her phone into my hands, almost causing me to drop my bag.

I saw that a video was open and raised an eyebrow at Alya.

"What is this?" I asked and she just urgently waved for me to watch, coming up behind me to watch it over my shoulder.

I pressed the play button and the video began.


"Hey everyone!" Alix waved to the camera that was most likely attached to her phone, a bright smile on her face.

She was wearing her signature helmet, a black t-shirt covering her top body, the rest was cropped out from the frame.

Behind her stood an impatient looking Kim, his arms crossed over his red t-shirt covered chest, a glare directed at the back of Alix's head.

"Since Kim was such a sore loser the last time we raced, the both of us decided to race again! We're going to race around the Louvre twice, me using my roller blades and Kim using his ugly sneakers!" She turned to smirk at Kim, whose eyes narrowed further at her.

"And I'm going to win!" Kim called over to Alix from where he stood a foot behind her.

Alix turned back to the camera and rolled her eyes. "Well, since this was last minute, I decided we should film it for everyone to see!"

"That's nice, now can you put your stupid phone down so we can go race?" Kim huffed and Alix glared at him.

"Will you calm down? Here, see, I'm putting it down now." Alix rolled her eyes, positioning the phone and backing away so it would capture the entire scene when they would start.

Alix turned and began rolling over to Kim, who looked like he was about to say something.

"You're going do-"

A loud WHOOSH was heard through the phone and Alix gasped, her eyes widening as Kim had just disappeared before her eyes.

"Kim?" She asked cautiously, turning her head around and bringing her hands to her chest. "Kim?! KIM!" 

She continued to yell frantically. "Kim, I swear to God if you're pulling a trick on me-"

Another WHOOSH and Alix had also vanished into thin air, no trace of her left behind.

Everything was silent for a second before the screen went black.


The video ended and I was staring at it with my eyes wide and my jaw dropped open, a hand over my mouth.

"Oh my God." I whispered, and Alya nodded vigorously behind me, taking her phone back from my hands.

"I'm starting to get worried, Marinette." Her voice trembled a bit, making my heart break a bit for her. "Maybe you were right that something weird is going on."

I set my face straight and placed a hand on her shoulder, giving Alya a confident smile.

"Maybe there is, but there's no reason you should be afraid of it, okay? Because Ladybug and Chat Noir are going to get to the bottom of it, I know it."

Alya looked up at me, smiling gratefully before pulling me into a hug.

"Thanks, Marinette." 

"No problem." I pulled away a bit. "Do you think you can send me that video?"

Alya stepped back and gave a thumbs up. "Sure thing, sista! It's also on my Ladyblog if the link doesn't work."

I smiled. "Great! Someone's ought to get to the bottom of this mess. I have to go, I'll catch you later, okay?"

"Alright, be safe Marinette!" Alya called as I began fast walking to the school's front doors. I turned and waved at her with a small smile. 

"You too! Bye!"

I quickly ran out of the building, my mind set in determination as I quickened my pace to get back home to my room.

We're going to figure out what is happening, even if it kills me.

A/N~ YAY! A longer chapter, finally! I hope you guys like this one! Next chapter should be out sometime soon!


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