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"Marinette?" I watched as My Lady frantically shut the doors to her balcony and looked out of the glass right and left, twice, before quickly shutting the curtains.

Her usually tame hair was a frizzy mess, one of her pigtails was loose and threatening to come undone, the cut on her cheek had stopped bleeding but dried blood was stuck to her face, and she had a small tear on the right arm of her suit.

As she made her way further into her bedroom, she detransformed, and her small ladybug kwami flew out, immediately perching herself on Marinette's shoulder.

The bluenette, still having not answered me, threw herself down onto her bed, her back against the mattress with her legs dangling over the edge, and her left arm covering her eyes.

I flattened my hair down a bit after flying through the air so fast, and made my way over to her, a frown on my face.

"Mari, you okay?" I tried again, carefully sitting next to her on her bed and placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I can't believe it." She muttered, dragging her hand down her face and staring at the ceiling with her eyebrows drawn forward. "How did I not notice this? I should've known."

"What are you talking about?"

Marinette's crystal blue orbs flickered over to me before facing the ceiling yet again. However, in that fraction of a second I was able to see all the fear and worry in them.

"I should've known." She whispered the sentence this time, her voice full of regret, making me feel nervous enough to rub my arm.

"Mari, can you please tell me what just happened?"

The girl beside me sighed deeply, squeezing her eyes shut as if she were pained before she sat straight up, surprising me when she took both of my shoulders in her hands and turned my body to face her.

"Adrien, I need you to listen to me carefully, okay? I need you to understand what I am about to say, and, please, don't freak out."

I frowned a bit but nodded. "Okay? Marinette, what is this about?"

Her eyes stared into mine for a few lingering seconds before she sighed lightly with a small nod of her own. She let go of my shoulders and opened her mouth.

"Gabriel Agreste is Hawk Moth."


I blinked. "I'm sorry, what? I'm not sure I heard you correctly."

Marinette sighed again and stood up, my wide eyes following as she began pacing about the room.

"I'm sorry, Adrien, I really am. But your father is Hawk Moth." She turned to me and bi her bottom lip. "And I think he figured out that you're Chat Noir."

In an instant my confusion turned to anger and I shot up from my spot. "You're telling me, that my father, my father, is the notorious Hawk Moth?" I laughed. "You're insane! How could he be someone like Hawk Moth?"

"Adrien, please, listen to me." Mari pleaded, her eyes shining with deep concern. "Think about it. He's barely ever home, right? Heck, he even hired an assistant to watch over you! And whenever he is home, and whenever you do see him, does anything major happen in Paris?"

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