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My eyes widened and I quickly wiped my cheeks before turning around to meet Chat with a half smile.


He frowned. "What's wrong?"

I sighed, dropping my smile and turning back to the view of Paris. Night had fallen about an hour ago, so the cities lights were bright and mesmerizing.

No, I wasn't at the Eiffel Tower today. Right now I was crouched on top of the Louvre, another one of my favorite monuments.

"Nothing." I muttered, attempting to focus all of my attention on the lights. I didn't really care to notice how staring at them directly made my eyes sting.

"I know you, Ladybug. And I know it's not nothing."

"I'm just frustrated, okay?!" I shouted despite myself, turning to face face him. "You don't need to pretend you know me, because you don't!"

I saw hurt flash across his eyes and I immediately felt guilty. Chat didn't deserve that.

I covered my face face with my hands and squeezed my eyes shut. "I'm sorry, Chat. I-I didn't mean it, I just..."

I suddenly felt arms wrap around my waist as Chat gave me a hug from behind, burying his face in the crook of my neck.

"It's okay. I'm frustrated too."

I felt a blush creep up to my cheeks but ignored it and rested my head gently against Chat's.

"Sorry." I said again, because I felt it was needed.

Chat pulled back a bit and turned me to face him. "M'lady, you have nothing to apologize for, okay?"

I nodded but continued to stare at my feet, not trusting myself to look at him.

But that apparently didn't matter because Chat took my chin in his and brought my face up to meet his eyes.


I sighed. "Alright."

"Wait..." Chat said and I heard amusement in his voice as he took a step back, his hands still resting lightly on my sides, "are you...blushing?"

My eyes widened before I caught myself and rolled my eyes, shoving my partner back a bit as he grinned like a little kid who just got his favorite ice cream.

"Yeah, right."

"Oh my God, you were blushing!" He giggled a bit and I couldn't help but think he was adorable before snapping myself out of it and putting on a bored expression.

I took out my yo-yo while he continued to laugh, spinning it a few times before letting it come down and knock on the top of his head.

"Me-ouch!" He exclaimed, jumping back and rubbing his head with a pouty face. "Aw, that hurt."

I rolled my eyes. "I trust you'll get over it. See you around, Chat." I said before turning and thrusting my yo-yo at a building, gliding away from Chat and towards home where I would try-and fail-to get some sleep for the first time this week.


"Hey, Alya-where is everyone?" I asked, confused as I looked around the practically empty school hallways.

Alya shrugged, slight fear visible on her face. "I don't know. It's like they all disappeared overnight."

I looked around and there looked to be around ten other people in the hallway in front of our classroom, all wearing the same confused/frightened expressions as Alya and I had.

Fear Me. (Miraculous Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now