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"Y-you're Chat?" I asked, blinking several thousand times to make sure that this was really happening.

Adrien nodded slowly. "Yeah...I can't believe I didn't figure out who you were sooner, the similarities are so obvious!" He laughed, but I shrank back a bit.

I quickly took out my earrings and turned back into Marinette, feeling Tikki rest on my shoulder.

I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths before muttering to myself. "Calm down, Marinette, calm dow-"

Adrien placed a hand on my arm. "Look, I'm sorry for barging in on you like that. I just..." He sighed and stepped back, bringing a hand through his golden hair. "I really wanted to know what happening and I thought you knew something but I guess not..."

I looked up. "No!"

He raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

I quickly shook my head and took a step towards Adrien, ignoring my feelings for him for the time being. "I mean, I know what's happening!"

His eyes widened and he leaned forward. "You do?"

I nodded eagerly. "Yeah! Have you realized how everyone that's disappeared seem to be those who were possessed by an akuma?"

He frowned. "Yeah, I did notice that, actually...but what does that have to do with anything?"

I rolled my eyes. "Come on, Adrien! Why would every akumatized person disappear?" I asked in an attempt to get him to understand, but the boy only stared back at me blankly.

"Uh...maybe they're having a secret party to celebrate how they lived through it?"

I sighed. "Hawk Moth is gathering them all together and is going to re-akumatize them in order to get them to all fight us at the same time. That way, we will each be equally distracted to fight him off, and even if we could we would eventually loose due to how fast our miraculous' run out of power.

"So, basically his plan is to overwhelm us with akumatized victims so that we will be too focused on beating them to notice that he is going to have one of them capture our miraculous'. Therefore revealing our identities and gaining our kwamis and their powers as well."

"I like my idea better." Adrien sighed, rubbing his forehead and I nodded sadly.

"Me too..." I dropped down onto my bed and put my head in my hands. "I don't know what to do. Sure, we figured out his plan, but how are we supposed to fight all of those akumatized victims off? There are way too many of them for us to handle, let alone win."

I felt the bed dip next to me and a arm wrapped around my waist as Adrien pulled me to him.

"You're usually the one to come up with ideas for this sort of thing, I'm just the sidekick."

I pulled away from him immediately and stared at him in shock.

Noticing his solemn expression, I grabbed his hand on instinct and he turned his head to meet my eyes.

"Don't even say that, Adrien. I couldn't do half of things I do without you. You're not my sidekick, you're my partner. You help save this city just as much as I do, there's no doubt about it. Sure, maybe I act like you're annoying-well, sometimes you are-"

"Me-ouch." He mumbled.

"-but," I continued, "you help give me the confidence I need to do this sort of thing. As you can see, I'm not very confident as Marinette, but when I'm Ladybug I feel like I can do anything. I want you to know that I haven't always been confident in my Ladybug self, though. Not at first at least. But when you showed up and we learned how to do this together, you have never once left my side, and I'll never leave yours. So it's not just me who does this."

I turned so I was fully facing him. "This isn't a one person thing, it never was. So, I guess what I'm trying to say, is that I need you. Adrien, Chat. I need you, so don't you go wimpy on me because this is the worst possible time too-"

Adrien's soft lips pressed against mine and my eyes widened before they fluttered shut and I leaned in to the kiss.

He pulled away with a small smile. "Who said I was being wimpy?"

I blinked before pulling away and glaring at him. "Did you say that just because you wanted an excuse to kiss me?"

"Maybe." He shrugged and my eyes narrowed. He laughed and held up his hands in surrender.

"No, I didn't. Sometimes I do feel like you would be better off doing this kind of thing without me, but I still wouldn't leave you. Not unless you tell me too."

"Which I never will." I spoke firmly and he smiled cheekily.

"Good to know."

I smiled and leaned forward to kiss his cheek-he was just too adorable-when a sudden look of pain crossed over his features and he dropped from the bed and onto his knees.

I quickly bent down and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Adrien! Are you okay? What happened."

I watched with a worried expression as he brought a hand up to his forehead. "I-I'm fine." He mumbled with a wince.

But I knew, watching him clutch his head in his hands in pain, that something was wrong.

I just didn't know what.

HEYO!!!!!!! OH MA LORD! You are all so nice It makes me so happy! :D Your comments make me smile and laugh every time I see one you are seriously the best readers I could've ever asked for and I love you all so much! 

Sorry for the short chapter, but I just wanted to announce that there will only be a few chapters left so be prepared for stuff to go down! :P


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