Chapter 2

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  "Who are you?" I asked, confused. I didn't mean for it to come out so rudely, but I wasn't in the best of moods, and my hand still acher.

  "Urmmm..." the person looked down, embarrassed. "I'm sorry, but umm...are you Sean?"

  "Yeah," I replied, staring. "Do I know you?" The man looked about my age, and had short black hair and olive skin. He wore a long gray jacket and blue jeans. A tight, black woolen hat covered his head, and he wore brown boots.

  The Man looked up, as if suddenly filled with confidence. "My name is Logan. My friend is a big fan of your channel, and when I told him I was pretty sure I lived near you, he freaked out."

  I leaned against the door frame, and smiled. The cold air was starting to get to me through my blue hoodie."I'm always glad to meet fans! You guys are great."

  The man handed me a small box and smiled at my words. "My friend made this for you. He wanted to give it to you at Pax, but didn't get the chance."

  I took the box and smiled. "Thank you! I'm really sorry you friend couldn't see me. I feel so bad, knowing I miss people."

  He grinned. "No problem. Don't worry, my friend is not that upset. He said he hopes you like the gift," Logan turned to leave, but before he could go I said,

  "Tell your friend thank you for me."

 He nodded, than turned and left.

  Well, okay. I mean this happens sometimes, but my day had been weird enough already. I looked down at the small box in my hands, turning  and entering the apartment. I shut the door behind me with the foot. I loved meeting people, but man, was it cold! I entered my room and sat down in my chair. A quick glance at the screen showed that the video was done rendering, right on time. I pushed the box to the side and uploaded the video.

"Title, thumbnail, description..." I mumbled under my breath, going through a mental checklist. Within five minutes I already had many comments coming in. My fans are amazing. They manage to watch a twenty minute video in five minutes. I sat back in my chair and laughed, watching the screen. Wade had left a comment as well, cursing Bob and I for winning. I made a quick reply.



 Only than did I remember the box I had been handed. I reached over and slid the box across the table over to me. It was a simple wooden box, which had been stained a very dark brown, and small, steel colored latch held it closed. I flicked the latch up, opening the lid with a click. Inside, two small objects lay nestled in green and blue tissue paper. I pulled them out gently, as to not accidentally break whatever they were. Resting in the palm of my hand were two small Septiceye Sams. They were lightweight, and seemed to be made of wood, which had been painted over. One was the normal Septiceye, neon green with a bright blue iris. The second one was black, although slightly tinted with green, with an electric blue-white iris. I smiled, admiring the careful craftsman's ship, and effort which was put into this gift. They had been painted beautifully. I set them back in to their box, and than pushed than back on my desk, beside the clay statue of me n awesome fan of mine made, and a small painting of Sam, also made by a fan. I left the lid open, so the Sams were visible.

 In my excitement, I was about to text Mark about them, but then I remembered that Mark was being a dick. I paused, my fingers hovering over the send button. "Fuck it. If he doesn't answer it doesn't matter to me." I hit the send button and flopped down on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. The bed felt soft underneath me, and my fingers brushed the pillows next to my head.

"Mark.......what's wrong with you?" I mused crossly.

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