Chapter 3

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I sat up quickly, almost smashing my head on the wooden backboard of my bed. "Did I fall asleep...?" I muttered, looking around in surprise. Thinking back, I must have, for I remembered laying on my bed, and and than waking up. My phone, which was still sitting on my desk, was ringing loudly. I pulled myself out of the bed and stumbled over, sleepily answering the call. It was Bob.

"Hey Jack." he said, serously.

"What's wrong?" I asked, worried. "Are you okay? Did something happen?"

"I can't get in contact with Mark, and I was wondering if you could."

"I haven't tried, not recently. I fell asleep. I was on YouTube earlier, and apparently he hasn't uploaded in a few days,"

"Yeah, I know," Bob said, "I texted and called him ,but he wouldn't answer. I'm genuinely concerned."

I picked up my phone, only to see the text I had sent him earlier remained unanswered. I went into my contacts and selected the one titles, 'Markymoo'. The tone rang several times , before sending me straight to voicemail.

"No luck," I informed Bob. "Perhaps he's recording?"

"I considered that," Bob said, "but it's been to long of a time frame, even for a long video. I'll go talk to a few other people, thanks Jack."

"Huh. Well, I wish you luck"

The call ended, and I sat down at my desk, throwing the phone over my shoulder, where it landed with a plop on the bed. I absentmindedly scrolled through YouTube, my heart not really set on the task. My thoughts kept trailing back to Mark, and the worry I felt for him.

"Oh Mark..." I murmured.

"We all know Mark is the love of your life, you can stop now," An Irish voice said from the other side of the room.

I spun around in my chair quickly, surprised. "Who...?" There was a person standing in the doorway to my room, casually leaning against the door frame. He seemed to be fiddling with something in his hands. With a closer look, I saw they were the small Sams I had been given earlier today.

"Nice toys." he commented, an amused tone to his voice. He tossed them across the room to me. On instinct I reached up a caught them in my hand, still staring. He laughed, and walked over to me, sitting on the edge of my bed. "Why are you in my house?" I snapped.

"Noticed the resemblance?" He said as if I didn't even speak. He motioned to himself.

I stared in shock, my mouth agape. I don't know how I didn't notice it before. The man had brown hair, and and pale skin. The dark blacks and greens of his hoodie complemented his strikingly blue eyes. He wore simple blue jeans, and black sneakers. In short, he looked exactly like me, save the clothes.

He reached out and plucked the black Sam out of my hand. "I'm Antisepticeye. You can call me Anti though."

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