Chapter 15

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 I threw the door open, barging in to the room.

"Dark...." I panted, "We need to talk." 

Dark turned his head to look at me, and frowned. 

"What?" He said, staring at me. 

"You can't kill Jack." I gasped.

He glared at me. "And why not?" He snapped.

"Because it will kill me too!" I yelled.

He stared at me for several seconds, than turned around. 

"So?" he said softly.

I stared at him, aghast. 

"WHAT THE FOOK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I screamed. He didn't look at me, and didn't reply. "FOOK YOU!"

I stormed out of the room, and held out my hand. Green mist surrounded me, and I transported myself to Jack's dream state. I found him sitting on the edge of a cliff, staring off into space.

"Jack?" I said softly. He turned and glared at me. 

"Fook off..." he muttered, turning around again.

"Jack, I have a suggestion." I said. This caught Jack's attention, and he turned to face me once again.

"W...we can merge, and..then nether of us will die.." I suggested. I mentally face palmed. Why am I suggesting this?!

"No." Jack snapped.

"Jack, you'll have control!" I protested.

"Why are you suggesting this then?" Jack questioned suspiciously. 

"Because Dark has gone mad!" I cried.

Jack stared at me for several seconds. "Fine." he muttered.


I stared in shock at Jack. He was suspended about two feet in the air, surrounded in a thin layer of green fire. I reached out to grab his arm, but snatched my hand back almost instantly. I cried out in pain. The fire hurt! It didn't seem to be affecting Jack though.


I am trapped in my own dream and it fucking SUCKS. I sat down on the ground and absently plucked at the grass. I heard the sound of someone walking behind me. 

"Fuck off." I snapped without turning around. 

"That's not very nice." An Irish voice behind me said.

"JACK?!" I shouted, jumping up. I hugged him tightly.

"Are ye okay?" Jack asked, untangling himself from my embrace. 

I nodded. 

"Then lets get out of here." Jack grabbed both my hands and stood facing me. Green fire surrounded us like a whirlpool. 

"What? When-" I stuttered.

"Don't ask." Jack sighed.


The green mist surrounding Jack faded, and he was lowered slowly back to the ground. Another figure started to appear next to him.

"What is going on?" Bob demanded.

I gasped. "It's Jack, and......Mark..."

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