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"Fuck," I muttered, following Jack. He didn't turn and face me.

"Jack please-" I started to say, but was shocking by his answer. 

"FOOK OFF!" He screamed, whirling around. One of his eyes was glowing with green light, like an evil version of Sans from Undertale. I took a step back, wide eyed and silent. Jack was breathing heavily, trying to calm himself down. He turned and left the apartment. I didn't follow him. Cry came out of the bedroom and saw Jack leaving the building, trailing green light.

"Oh..." he said. 

I sat down on the couch, head in hands. 

"Should we go after him?" Cry asked.

"Don't bother." I snapped.

Cry turned and looked at me, worried. "Mark, are you okay?"

I didn't answer.

"Mark?" he walked over to me. When Jack had looked at me, I had felt this overwhelming feeling of hatred, but it was fading now that Jack had left. I rubbed my head gently. The feeling faded. I got up, running to the door. 

"Mark!?" Cry said.

"Something's wrong with Jack." I gasped. "There's something he's not telling us." Cry followed right at my heels. "He didn't get that magic for free."

We exited the building, and I saw Jack vanishing around the corner. We caught up with him, and I grabbed the arm of his shirt.

"Jack-" I panted. He turned and elbowed me hard. I stumbled backwards, doubled over in pain. I stared at him in shock. One of his eyes was glowing green, and his hands lit up with green light. Bright beams of green light shot out of the ground underneath him, and he floated up into the air. He hovered about ten feet up in the air. Standing on the ground behind him was a all to familiar person.

"ARE YOU FUCKING DOING THIS?!" I yelled at Darkiplier. He shook his head, smiling. 

"Nah." He said. "He's not on anyone's side. He's on his own side. I told Felix the truth. He is a traitor to both of us. You don't honestly think that's Jack do you? That my friend is a hybrid. A combination of both evil and good. Pure and dark. That is both Jacksepticeye and Antisepticeye. You don't think he made it into that 1% chance of not turning evil did you? You idiots. Oh, and I would be worried. He's not going to stop." 

'Jack' turned and sent a beam of light at Darkiplier, shredding him into bits. I screamed and scrambled backwards. He turned to face me, glowing with a green aura. 


FOOKING FINALLY! I had wanted to do this for so fooking long!

Ready? Anti asked.

Hell yeah. I grinned.

I lifted my arm, and blinding green light spread outward, covering everything.

I laughed like a maniac. 


Mark stared up at me.

"You MONSTER!" he screamed.

I floated down until I was eye level with him.


                                                                                           Authors Note:

A SEQUEL IS COMING!!!!!!! So keep an eye out. In the sequel Jack is the enemy, so buckle yourself in!

THE SEQUEL IS HERE! It'd called, The Rise of Jacksepticeye.

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