Chapter 1

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Harry's POV

"Haz, are you ready to start senior year tomorrow? It's going to be big!" Zayn said to me when we entered my bedroom. I laughed as I hopped on my bed.

"Yeah, I just cant wait to see Liam again! He's been gone all summer doing a hybrid summer camp." I said to Zayn as he sat down on my desk. 

Yes, I did say hybrid. Everyone who lives in this area is a hybrid. Ever since the humans discovered hybrids were real, they moved use to restricted areas all over the world. Zayn, Liam and I are wolf hybrids. There are many different types of hybrids, its just not wolfs. Basically just think of any animal and, its a hybrid. 

"I heard he gained some muscle. Better watch out Harry, he could become leader of our little pack." Zayn said to me. I laughed and threw my pillow at him.

"Liam wouldnt do that, he's to kind to do that." I said, laughing still. Zayn laughed with me and threw the pillow at my head. He hopped off my desk and sat at the edge of the bed.

"Hazzzzzz, come on, lets do something! Its our last day of summer, I dont want to spend it inside!" He said while jumping up and down on the bed. I laughed and got off the bed. 

"Okay, lets go tell my mom were going to the waterfall." I said to him. He shoot up, off the bed, grabbed his leather jacket, and ran out my bedroom door. I followed him to the kitchen where my mom was cooking dinner. 

"Hey mom, can we go to the waterfall?' I asked as she turned around to get whatever it was out of the oven. She smiled at me and nodded her head. 

"Of course, just be back before midnight. Remember you guys have school tomorrow." My mom said. I said a quick "Okay" and ran out the door. Zayn followed after me. Once we were far enough from the house we slowed down to a walk. 

"Are you excited to see Alanna again. Im sure she missed you." Zayn said to me in a teasing voice. I pushed him lightly to the side as he laughed.

"Yeah, I sure didnt miss her. Its so annoying when she clings to you like a lost puppy." I said with a groan at the end. He laughed and clung to my arm, mimicking what she does. I pushed him off my arm and he fell to the ground. 

"Shes part cat so it would be lost kitty." He said as he got off the ground. I rolled my eyes and started to walk again. I turned around to say something to Zayn when I bumped into something. More like a someone.

I turned around to find a blue eyed fawn hybrid. He had little antlers on top of his head and, brown and white spots on his cheeks and shoulders. When he turned around to grab his bag that fell, I noticed he had brown and white spots down his back and a cute little tail. Wait, did I just say cute? I cant think he's cute, he's a fawn. Compared to wolfs, fawns are the lowest rank in society. 

"Watch where your going fawn." I snapped at him. Before he could even say anything, I walked away. I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to find Zayn trying to catch up. I stopped and waited for him. When he came up to me, he put a hand on my shoulder and started walking. 

"Why did you snap at him like that? He's a nice lad." Zayn said. I shrugged and looked down him.

"You actually talked to him?" I asked him. Zayn nodded and took his hand off my shoulder.

"He's in our grade. Obviously goes to our school. Also, he's your neighbor." Zayn told me. I nodded in response.

"Did you get his name?" I asked Zayn. Zayn thought for a second but then shook his head.

"He was really shy, but you could tell he was nice. He probably felt bad after you snapped at him." He told me. I sighed, suddenly feeling bad that I snapped at the fawn.

"Well he's a fawn, Zayn. They arent very, popular. Plus, arent all fawn's are shy?" I said, turning around and walking backwards. 

"You know if Liam heard you say that he would freak." Zayn said to me. I gave him a confused look when I turned back around to walk forward.

"Me calling fawns shy? He would freak over that?" I asked Zayn. He sighed and shook his head.

"No not that part. The part where you explained why you snapped at him. The part where you said 'Well he's a fawn. They arent very popular.'" Zayn told me. I then remembered how Liam would always tell us how we should never judge anyone for who they were. That we should get to know them first before we started judging. I sighed and shook my head.

"Well, he is a fawn Zayn. Wolfs and fawns dont mix well." I explained to him as we finally made it to the waterfall. We both took off our shirts and pants before hopping in the lake at the bottom of the waterfall. 

"We arent asking you to date the dude, Harry. Just try to be friends with him." Zayn said while swimming towards the waterfall. He stopped right before it and turned around. "Wanna go to the cave?" Zayn asked me. I laughed and nodded to him. I swam up to him as he dived underwater. I followed him. Under the waterfall was this underwater cave. The walls and the ceiling of the cave would sometimes glow. We didnt know what made it glow but, it was cool. Zayn, Liam and I only know about this cave, and we plan on keeping it that way so the cave doesnt get ruined. I finally entered the cave and hopped on its side so I was out of the water. 

"Its beautiful in here, isnt it?" I asked Zayn. He laughed and nodded his head.

"Yeah, its a good spot to just relax and think." Zayn said, leaning against the wall. I laid down on the ground and looked up at the ceiling. It was glowing blue and green, I've never seen it glow two colors before. 

"Hey Zayn, have you ever seen the cave glow two colors before?" I asked him. He shook his head and opened his eyes. He looked up at the ceiling and then back down to me.

"Maybe the cave is telling you that you and that fawn were meant to be." Zayn said with a smirk. I laughed and shook my head.

"Why do you think that?" I asked him. Zayn sighed and closed his eyes again.

"You have green eyes and he has blue eyes. Plus you stared at him for like two minutes before you said something and ran away. I say its love at first sight." He said. I laughed and closed my eyes. 

"Yeah, sure. What ever you believe Zayn." I said to him. I heard Zayn laugh.

"What time do we need to be back at your house?" Zayn asked me. 

"We have to be back by midnight. Why?"I asked him as I sat up. I looked around to find Zayn staring at the water. 

"Well the sun is going down now so its about 9:30. Plus Im kind of hungry and I saw your mom making pork chops, so." He said, looking at me with pleading eyes. I laughed and got up, stretching my back. 

"Fine, lets go back to my house." I said to him. Zayn jumped in the water and started to swim towards the open lake. I followed him and soon we were running home.


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