Chapter 4

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"I think Alex better watch out." JBL said

But I didn't catch what he was saying.Then as I turned around Randy was going to hit me with a chair but I moved out off the way and gave him a drop kick.Then gave him the Avada Kadab and the crowed cheered loud

"Oh my God Alex gave The Avada Katavra to Randy." Jerry said

"Yeah but that was Seth Rollins move back at FCW."JBL said and I smiled as he said that.

Then Randy gave me a close line and I fell down to the met but as I got up I gave him a German suplex and he fell out off the ring.Then Kane came back to the ring and was going to give me a chock slam.I escape and pushed him go the rope then he came running to me and I gave him a spear.

"Spear Alex Mavis gave a spear to Kane."Jerry yelled.

Then Randy dragged Kane out of the ring and they looked at me in anger

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Then Randy dragged Kane out of the ring and they looked at me in anger.I went up putting my legs on the rope and shouted to them

"Alex Mavis is in the house Bitches."And my theme went off loud through the arena

Then The Shield came in the ring and they all had a mic.They kept looking at me and I gave them my signature smile.I yelled for a mic and started talking"Because I helped you doesn't mean that I like you."I told them with a sassy attitude

"Well,Well,Well if it isn't Alex Mavis ha?"Seth Rollins told me and putted his hands on my face but I pushed it off "Ohh what a cocky attitude.How dare you used one of my moves."then he raised a bit his voice

"Well first you are not using it and second*I putted my finger on my chin and made my thinking look*Because I can."I yelled and the crowed cheered.

"Still dominating as ever." Seth said

"Well Rollins I work my ass off unlike you three an-."I said

Roman and Dean started laughing

"She is pathetic man."Dean said while laughing

"How dare you interrupt me. Ambrose"I said and he just smirk"I work my ass off unlike you three and had took the short way by joined the authority.Then when you were cool you shut them off."I told them still sassy and the crowed cheered

"I see that someone did some homework."Roman said

"Well I only focus on the people that I like to-."I said

"So you are saying that you like us?"Dean said

"You didn't even let me finish Ambrose...again."I said and glared at him."I only focus on the people the I like......TO KICK ASS. So you better watch out boys."I said and the arena cheered loud

"I think finally the shield are going to taste some of there own medicine."JBL said

"Yeah I agree John but we can't forget that after all Mavis is still a Diva."Cole said

"Diva that is not afraid to act on anyone"Jerry said

"Don't count the birds before they hatch Alex darling we are The Shield.We are the most dominate and powerful group in WWE.We work our ass off unlike you, you are just a diva like the othe-"Seth was saying but I stopped by a slap and he fell down holding his cheek.The crowed was insane as they saw me slapping him.I bent down to his level.

"Yeah so why did I make you fall down ha Rollins.You three better watch out because I a. Going to be your biggest nightmare."I said

"Yeah right we are so scared of you little girl."Dean Ambrose said with a laugh

Then I sarcastically laughed but then I stopped and punched him in the face.The crowed went crazy.

"Who is so little girl now."I said while Seth and Roman stayed speechless

"Ohh my Alex is on fire tonight." Cole said

"Who the hell you think you are. Because you are undefeated doesn't mean you are good.In fact you are notting compered to me.I am Alex Mavis,the most dominating diva ever.I am the master on mics and on promos and most important I beat ass superstars like you.I am a devil and a Lunatic at the same time. But when you get on my limit,I don't care if you are strong or build I will kick your ass.One more thing you should be afraid dogs because if Alex Mavis is here you are dead."I said and putted a thinking face once again and an evil smile

"And Guess what.....Maybe I will take your places as the most dominated superstar."I said and the crowed was crazy again."Oh that was harsh was it.But I don't care"I yelled through the mic.The crowed didn't stop yelling"Happy Monday boys"I said and then I dropped the down to the floor.I got out of the ring and went up the ramp skipping but before I got out I blowed a kiss and left.

As I went backstage I saw my twins

"Oh girl that was amazing." Nikki said and Brie agreed

"Thank you girl."I said

"We got to go because our match is next"Brie said

"Good luck to your tag team match say to the others too."I told them and they nodded.We hugged and I continue walking

"Kat."I heard Colby said

"Sorry Colbster if I slapped you hard."I told him

"It's OK I am used to it.I just want to congratulate you.You did great"He told me and hugged me

"Thanks you Two tone."I said

"So what are you going to do tonight.If you want you are welcome to come to our room and hang out."He said smiling

"Sorry Colby but I am really tired maybe next time promise"I told him

"OK KitKat call you later."He said a bit disappointed and hugged me

I was walking through the halls thinking.I couldn't believe it he was here after 8 years.No maybe I am mistaken or not.Grrrrr. Great now I am talking to myself. Screw you Jon.

I continue walking when I heard someone running and say this name that I haven't heard in a very very long time

"Princess Belle."And I stopped and Froze.So it was him this isn't a dream.Who else would know that name if not Jonathan Good.

My brother

My friend.

Best Friend

My life

My saviour

My Protector

My sole mate

My everything

And My ex Boyfriend

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