Chapter 13

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It was time for my match and I tapped my hands and then I started stretching.I was punching and kicked the air.

"Good luck Kat."Joe told me

"Oh I don't need luck when I have this."I said kissed my necklaces and Jon looked at me then at the necklace and I rolled my eyes

"You still wear that."Colby said curious and I nodded

"Always and Forever."I said while Jon smiled and I rolled my eyes again

"Alex your up next."The tech guy said and I nodded

"See you out there guys."I said And they left to there entrance

I'm just a step away
I'm just a breath away
Losin' my faith today
(We're fallin' off the edge today)

I am just a man
Not superhuman
(I'm not superhuman)
Someone save me from the hate

"Introducing first from Cincinnati Ohio weight 135 pounds making her debut Alex Mavis."Lilian Garcia said.

The crowed was so loud.I went down touch some fans hands than I saw Jojo,so I went and gave my hoodie to her while Galina smiled then I ran to the ring.

"Alex Mavis amazing as ever." Cole said

"What about her look she is beautiful"Jerry said

I went to the top rope pointed my hands up and blow a kiss.Then I jump back down in a back flip

"Wow guys did you see that back-flip."JBL said

"OK but where is Summer Rae." Cole said then he was cut by the shield music







The Shield

"And her opponent from Pensacola,Florida weight 265 pounds accompanied by Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose.He is 1/3 of The Shield Roman Reigns." Lillian Garcia

"Roman Reigns is her opponent." Jerry said

"This should be epic."Cole said

"Well Well Well so we meet again Big guy."I said

"Yeah and what the hell.Is that what you call a gear.You look silly."Roman said and there was some cheers for him

"I dressed as Harley Quinn.She is a super villain and I am also like her but at least I am not fake."I said and put a lot on the ake and the crowed ooed

"Watch your mouth Mavis."He said getting in my face

"What happen if I don't"I said and he cracked his knuckles

"Well because you are big doesn't mean that I am scared of you."I said.Then I dropped the mic and started punched him.

The referee rang the bell and the match started

We locked our hands but I escaped and grabbed him from the waist and kicked him in The stomach.He got up and dragged me in the corner and started kicking me.I went down and hold my stomach.Then he dragged me to the middle and pinned me "1-"and I kicked out.I got up slowly and saw Roman bounced to the rope and gave me a close line and he went for the pin again But I kicked out on 2

"Come one Alex."The crowed started cheering

I got up and pushed him to the rope as he came back I gave him multiples of drop kicks.Then as he was flat on the met I went up on the rope and gave him a 460 splash.I instantly went for the pin but he kicked out on 2

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