Chapter 25

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Next day

"Good job you too.Are you happy now."I yelled at Jon and Colby."I swear if Kat doesn't kill you I will.Colby you knew what she went through in her past and you Jon you know her since she was young why did you hurt her tell me."

"It's not my fault."Colby said

"Then it's my fault."Jon said

"Yes it is you went and kissed my girl."Colby said and he punched Jon's face

"Colby"I said and Jon got up slowly

"Yeah and you broke her heart too by leaving her."Jon said holding his bloody lip

"Both of you stop trying to blame each other OK."I yelled

"How much you think you know Kat."Jon said

"What type of question is that I know her better then you.You just met her."Colby told him

"Oh really.That's what you think?"Jon said

"What that suppose to mean?" Colby asked

"What do you know about her last relationship?"Jon said

"I don't know anything and it's none of my business."Colby yelled a bit

"Oh so you don't know anything what happen?"Jon said

"I told you it's none of my business and who are you saying you know Kat"Colby told him

"Well let me tell you this.The people she lives with aren't her real parents they were her parents best friend because her parents died when she was 11. Kat was in a 5 year relationship with her best friend since childhood he asked her to be his girlfriend when she was 13 years old.They never were separated from one another.Then he got his dream career and left her there when she was 17.She took it bad but was happy for him.He promise he would call or visit her but he never did."Jon said and Colby was speechless

"Jon stop it"I yelled

"How the hell do you know." Colby said

"Because the person that left her is none other than me."Jon said and Colby started laughing."So you don't believe me."

"No because Kat would have told me."Colby said

"Well she didn't.Why do you think she is so cold around me "Jon said

"Because you treat girls like shit." Colby said

"OK ask me something about her."Jon said

"She has a scar where?"Colby told him

"On the left side of her hip. She was hanging upside down on a pole at the swings and she lost balance and landed on a wood." Jon said

"When was it?"I asked

"She was 10 years old Monday 16th March afternoon at 3:59." Jon said

"So you are the one who broke her heart."Colby said and pushed him to the wall then started beating him.

"Stop both of you."Joe said. "Both of you stick your head together we have a match in 2 weeks and we need to be on the dame page"Joe said

Then we saw Eric walling to us

No one POV

"How is she Eric"Colby asked

"Heart broken and giving up"Eric said

"Eric please don't take it against me but she lied to me and when I saw them kissing I-"Colby said sighting

"It's OK I don't blame you.I already talked to Kat about it that she did wrong by not telling you and the rest of the blame is on Jon"Eric said

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