Chapter 7

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"Guy."I said and I saw them on the sofa

"How is she."Colby asked and Jon kept looking at the TV

"How is who?"Jon said

"Kat."Colby said and Jon looked at me

"Why don't you ask Mr. Good."I said a bit anger

"Ask him what?"Colby said

"She told you didn't she."Jon said and looked at him and I nodded

"I don't know what is going on."
Colby said."And what happened to her.Why was she acting all crazy."

"I can't tell you I promised her not to tell."I said and Colby nodded.Then there was a knock on the door.

I went to open and saw my beautiful wife and my daughter

I went to open and saw my beautiful wife and my daughter

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"Daddy you were awesome out there."Joelle said and hugged me

"Thank you princess.Hi baby."I said to Galina and kissed her lip

"Uncle Colby,Uncle Jon." Joelle yelled

"She loves the boys way too much"Galina said and I nodded.

She went running to sit between them while me and Galina followed her near them.I set on the arm chair and putted Galina on my lap

"Hello cupcake."Jon said and she giggled

"How is my little angle. Have she been good"Colby said

"I am Good."She said"Yes I have."

"Hi boys."Galina said

"Hey Lina."Jon and Colby told her

"Wow Alex Mavis finally is at WWE I am so exited.I can't wait too see her again."Joelle said happy

"You know Alex?"Jon asked

"I am huge fan of here.She is my inspiration after my dad.She was 2 time NXT Woman's Champion and 1 time NXT Champion and her promos and skills on mic are wow.She is The Lunatic girl." Joelle said

"She can't be better than me because I am the only Lunatic Fringe here"Jon told her

"Trust me she is uncle.Even her nickname say it all.She is The Lunatic Girl."Joelle said and Colby agreed

"How would you know?"Jon asked Colby

"I was one of her trainer. Paul had chosen me and she is also my best friend."Colby said.

"Oh OK."Jon said and looked at Colby

"OK let me tell you what to do angel.Tomorrow I will call her and we go meet her OK."Colby said and she jumped on him

"Thank you,thank you so much uncle."Joelle said

"OK so what bring you here baby."I asked Galina

"Well Joelle wanted to see you so badly and asked me if we can spend a week or two with you"Galina said

"I don't have a problem if you don't have."I told her and Galina smiled

"Really?"Joelle said and jumped on me."I love you daddy so much and I missed you so much."and she hugged me and I hugged her back.

"OK so I am going to get the luggage baby."Galina told me and I nodded

Galina told me that they booked a room and it's 6 rooms away from us.After they settled down they came to our room and Jojo went to my room and played with her toys for a while

"Guys."Galina told us

"Yeah."we said

"If you want to see Jojo really happy you should tell this Alex girl to meet her. She is her hero. At home she won't stop talk about her and she made me buy everything Alex have." Galina told us

"She loves her this much."I said and she nodded

"I already made her a promise that tomorrow we are going near her."Colby said

"I would love to see my baby meet her.She means a lot to her." Galina told us

"Lina that's not a problem.I have already told you and I am sure that Kat will love to meet her." Colby told her and she nodded

Then Galina,Me,Jojo,Jon and Colby said stayed at the living room

"So did you enjoy the show baby."I asked Jojo nodded

"Yes daddy so much it was amazing especially when Alex came out.I was like Oh my God.I was freaking out." Jojo said

"Yeah tell me I couldn't calm her."Galina said and we laughed

"And when she slapped you uncle Colby and punched you uncle Jon that was the mist best part."Jojo said and I laughed even Jon and Galina

"OK so next time you want to go to the gym and train tell Alex OK angle."Colby told her teasing her and Jon laughed

"No!!!!!!I am sorry uncle please train with me" Jojo said jumped of Galina and hugged him

"I was joking angle but You seriously like her"Colby told her and she nodded

"Yeah I love her so much. Her wrestling skills are amazing and her attitude awesome."She said

"Yeah and you haven't meet her she is so amazing too." Colby said

"Yeah I agree with uncle here.She has an amazing character and also she is a bit the same as her character in the ring."I told her

"I can't wait to meet her tomorrow."Jojo said excited. "Uncle Jon are you OK. Aren't you happy that I am going to travel with you."

"What are you saying cupcake of course I am happy.Why are you saying that."Jon said and putted a fake smile

"Because you aren't normally quite"She said

"Jo maybe uncle Jon is tired stop bothering him."Galina said

"You know Jojo is right." Colby said."After our match you was lost."

"I just have a lot in my mind and also a big headache that's all."He said getting up."I am going to bed and rest.Night gentleman and woman.Night cupcake."Jon told us and kissed Jojo cheek

"Oh it's getting late you should go to bed missy" Galina told her

"OK mummy but can uncle read me a story."Jojo said and we nodded

Colby and I followed Galina to the room and Then Jojo went to change in her PJ's

"Even your PJ are of Alex Mavis." Colby said laughing

"Are you jelly?"She told us

"What?"me and Colby said

"Jealous sillys."She said and Galina laughed

Colby read her a snow white story and she fell asleep with her teddy bear. I missed how she used to sleep.

"Good night baby see you tomorrow."I told Galina and kissed her

"Sweet dreams."She told me

Then we went to our room and Jon was fast asleep

"Night man."Colby told me

"Night."I told him. I hope that Kat is OK.I will call her tomorrow.

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