Chapter 21

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I got up from bed and got some random clothes

I putted on my jacket,grabbed my rental car keys and left to the arena not caring if the doctor told me not to drive or move

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I putted on my jacket,grabbed my rental car keys and left to the arena not caring if the doctor told me not to drive or move.

As I arrived many superstars and divas were happy but the main priority is to find Joe

"Baby girl why did you came her and how did you came?"Joe stopped me

"I drove here and I need to to you"I said

"You are insane Kat"He said angry

"Joseph please I need to talk to you now"I said

"Couldn't it wait"He said

"No"I told him

"Come on."He said putting his hand on my back

"You know you are the brother that I ever wanted."I told Joe

"And you are the sister that I ever wanted."Joe said and we were walking to his locker room

As we arrived we set on the sofa

"What is so important that it couldn't wait."Joe said

"The day before I left hospital Jonathan came to see me."I said

"Dean?"Joe said and I nodded

"I was asleep but not fully.He started bubbling how sorry he is as always but the one that got me angry is when he told me he still loves me and that he never forgot me but he couldn't come back because he knew if he come he wasn't going to stay."I told him

"Do you still have feelings for him"Joe said

"I love Colby"I said

"But do you have feelings for him"Joe said

"No"I said

"Than why are you angry?"Joe asked

"I don't know"I said.

"But I know because you still have feelings for Jon"Joe said

"How I am sure I love Colby."I said.

"Yeah because he is always with you but now that you saw Jon you are having mixed emotions" Joe said and I got up angry and left"Kat wait"

But I ignored him I continue walking to find Jon.Then I found in in a corner stretching.I grabbed his arm and turned him around facing me

"Listen here you stupid thing.Get this in your stupid thick head.I am never ever going to love you again or getting back together. I am with Colby now who loves me so much so if you try to-"I was saying but he stopped me by pressing his lips on mine.I tried to push him away but he was strong.I slapped him and left to the hotel 

I took off my neck brace and throw it away.I grabbed a blade and started to cut.

"Kat"I heard then I turned around and saw Joe and

"I am sorry"I said crying

"You promised"Joe told me and I continue crying

"You promised"Joe told me and I continue crying

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"Where is your neck brace"Joe asked

"I don't want to wear it"I said

"Don't want to wear it my ass"Joe said and he gave me it and putted on me

"What happened at the arena?" Joe asked

"Jon kissed me"I said

"He did what"Joe said angry

"I didn't kiss back because I love Colby but I don't know why Jon is doing this to me"I said.

"Calm down please"Joe said

"How am I going to tell Colby. He is going to get mad and hate me"I said

"No he is not.I know Colby he always talked about you and we knew that he was in love so it's impossible that he hate you"he said then there was a knock

"Babe it's Colby"Colby said

"Calm down leave it to me"Joe told me and I nodded

"Mummy"Bethany yelled happy and came near me

"Babe"Colby yelled and came near me"What happened"

"She was walking in the lobby when she hit a metal"Joe said and I nodded

"Oh my baby"Colby said hugging me

"Mummy are you going to be OK"Bethany said and I nodded

"Come here"I told Beth and I hugged her"Oh my I love you so much,more than anything"

That night Colby slept with me and I relaxes a bit but I was worried. What if Jon tell something to Colby?

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