Chapter 24

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"Kat."I yelled

"Jon"Joe said

"Help me take her quick to the trainers."I told Joe and he nodded

As we arrived the doctor he told us to take her to the hospital fast. I hope that my parents doesn't find out because they will freak out.


"If anything happens to her I am blaming it on you"Mum told me

"I don't know why you still keep hurting her Jon"Dad said

And yeah they found out thanks to Stephanie

"Thank you Steph."I mumbled

"I warned you didn't I"She said

"I don't know how you keep ruining her life Jon"Joe said

"And you say you love her yeah right"Dad said

"Good"the doctor told me

"Yes Eric Good.Is my girl OK."I said

"I believe I have some bad news. Kat is suffering from Coronary Heart Disease"He told dad

"I don't understand?"Dad said

"Well Coronary heart disease or CHD is a disease in which a waxy substance called plaque builds up inside the coronary arteries. These arteries supply oxygen-rich blood to your heart muscle. When plaque builds up in the arteries,the condition is called atherosclerosis."The doctor told dad and Dad rubbed his back of his head with worry

"How this happened"Mum asked

"Apparently this came out after her pregnancy"The doctor said "But the side effects are coming out now"

"But she can get cure right."I said

"Sorry sir but coronary heart disease can't be cured,treatment can help manage the symptoms and reduce the risk of further problems."The doctor told me

"So she is going to live like this forever."Mum said

"Unfortunately yes Mrs.But it can be managed effectively with a combination of lifestyle changes,medicine and,in some cases also a surgery. With the right treatment,the symptoms can be reduced and the functioning of the heart improve."The doctor told mum

"But she is a wrestler."Joe said warring

"That's OK she can continue her normal life but she got to learn to control them if not she will be risking herself to die."The doctor said

"Oh my God.How am I going to tell her "Dad said as mum was crying

"If you want I tell her."the doctor told me

"Can you"I said and she nodded. "Thank you."

"Don't you dare try to get near her"Mum told me and I nodded and they left


"Dad what are you doing here."I smiled as I saw him

"Hey baby how are you.Mum is here too"Dad told me and cane hug me and in came mum with Joe

"Mum"I said and she came crying hugging me

"Mum why are you crying.I am fine"I said and Joe looked worried"Joe is my daughter OK" and I tried to get up slowly but I felt a huge paint in my heart

"Ouch"I said touching my heart

"Baby girl rest.Beth is fine don't worry"Joe said

"What is happening to me."I said

"Ms.Mavis I need to talk to you" The doctor told me in a serious tone

"Dad what is happening."I said scared

"Calm down sweetie"Dad and dad told me

"Ms.Mavis you are suffering from CHD meaning Coronary heart disease."The doctor told me

"I don't understand."I said

"This disease is in which a waxy substance called plaque builds up inside the coronary arteries.These arteries supply oxygen-rich blood to your heart muscle. When plaque builds up in the arteries,the condition is called atherosclerosis and this came after your pregnancy"The doctor told me.I want to cry so hard

"I can get cure right and is my daughter going to be fine"I said

"Sorry Ms. but as I told your dad coronary heart disease can't be cured,treatment can help to manage the symptoms and reduce the risk of further problems but don't worry your daughter is going to be OK and not effected."The doctor told me

"So I am going to live like this forever."I said

"Yes and no."The doctor told me. "Because it can be managed effectively with a combination of lifestyle changes,medicine and,in some cases also a surgery.With the right treatment, the symptoms can be reduced and the functioning of the heart improve."The doctor told me

"I am a wrestler does that mean I have to let go."I said warring.

"No you can continue with you normal life but you got to learn to control them if not you will be risking yourself to die."The doctor said then she left.

"Kat."Dad told me putting a hand on my back and sit near me

"Dad.Why is everything is getting wrong?"I said with tears escaping my eyes

"No KB don't say that."Dad told me

"I have just lost the man that cared for me and always was there for me.He was my light.It's because of him I am were I am today."I said"He helped me become Alex Mavis.He helped me become the person I am today and I lost everything"

"Kat you did wrong by not telling him about you and Jon.l think if he knew he wouldn't take it like this"Mum said

"But now he is gone and all I am left with is this stupid disease."I said."I just lost hope in life.I don't have anything to live for accept for my kid but if I'm hone it doesn't matter"

"Kat I don't want to hear you again.OK.Your daughter needs you even more now that she know about her father.Now go rest.We will see you tomorrow." Dad told me kissing my forehead and even mum.Then Joe came and hugged me

"Bethany is in safe hands "Joe said and I nodded and left.Then I felt sleepy

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