A new Name

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*Y/n POV*
We backed up into a clearing where there was no body, and watched the people run quickly pass us and scream. "Can we stay with you?" Gray asked. "I will never leave you as long as you live!" Claire said. "No, him." Gray said. She smirked and looked at Owen. We drove to the Raptor cage, and I got out and ran over to them as Owen ran to talk to Hoskins. I was trying to calm them down because for some reason they don't like him. I was petting Blue then Zach came over and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and Blue growled at him protectively, "Woah woah. Okay." Zach laughed and met go. I laughed and said, "Don't worry Blue he won't hurt me, or you!"

Her face softened, "Here look." I said to her and reached over and grabbed Zachs hand. I slowly set his hand on her face, " See sweetheart? He won't hurt us." "You're good with them." Zach said. "It's all based on mutual trust. If you ever do something to brake their trust, you can't ever earn it back." I told him, then I kissed Blue's nose and walked away. I went over to Gray who was next to the jeep and watched Owen do his thing.

*Owens POV*
I was mad at Hoskins so I got out of the jeep. And he walked over to me saying, "The mother hen has arrived." (Because I'm the Alpha) I punched him in the face and I heard the kids go, "Oh! Ouch." I coldly told him, "Get the hell out of here and stay away from my animals." He rubbed his face. Claire told him, "Hoskins you wanted this to happen you son of a bitch." And pushed him away from me. He then said, "Gosh Jesus. How many more people have to die before this mission starts to make sense to you?" He rolled his eyes, "Okay there are gonna be cruise ships here at first light, and tomorrow you're gonna hear on the news how you saved live, no better yet how your animals saved lives."

"I think you're full of shit crazy, fat man." I heard Y/n shout. He starts walking over to her, "How about you shut your mouth y-" "HEY! You touch her you'll die first." I said grabbing his arm. He gave her a dirty look she smirked and winked. He walked back over to me. "This is crazy." A black man said. "LETS MOVE IT OUT!" He shouted then turned back to me, "This is happening with or with out you." I just agreed. We went inside the mission room. We discussed what was going on, "We know it's in sector 5. This is a game we call hide and seek." I said pointing at a map of the park. "This is a drill we've done about a thousand times with these animals.

When they get on target and they will get in target, wait to engage." I made sure they understood, "Velociraptors are pack hunters. They like to heard the animal into a kill zone. That's when we take our shot, wait till my command. Shoot with all we've got." I look at Y/n knowing she wants to say something, "Okay gentlemen, good luck out there. You have one target, DO NOT SHOOT OUR RAPTORS! Please!" I nodded at her, "Can't I go with you?"

I shook my head. She looked at me with a why look. "You need to stay with Claire." I said putting my gun in my back and walking outside to my four-wheeler. "I want to go with you, and our Raptors. I know how to shoot a-" she started before I interrupted, " I said no Y/n, I love you to much to lose you!" She stared at me wide eyed. No body has ever told her they loved her. She started crying, "I love you too Owen." She said running up and hugging me. "Call me dad!" I told her. "Okay... Dad." She got off and let me go I started to drive off then I stopped and faced them, "Claire take care of my daughter!" She nodded. "I love you Y/n!" "I love you too dad!" And I drove off.

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