Im Staying

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*Zachs POV*
My mom smiled, "Who's this?" I smiled at Y/n then back at my mom, "This is my girlfriend, Y/n." My mom smiled and looked at Y/n, "Nice to meet you Y/n, I'm Karen." They shook hands, "Nice to meet you Karen." My mom then pulled me aside and told Y/n, "Excuse us?" Y/n nodded and went over to Gray.

"She's your girlfriend?" My mom asked me in a sweet but confused voice. I nodded, "Yeah, I fell in love with her when she saved Gray and I. And my ex just tried to kill me with a baseball bat." My mom laughed, "You're in love with her?" I nodded. She teared up, "You never talked about your... ex girlfriend like that." I smiled and looked at Y/n, she was playing with Gray. They were laughing and playing. My mom smiled too. "That's because what I would've said, would've been a lie. I love her mom! She's sacrificed her life for mine and Gray's more times today than my ex ever would've."

My mom started crying, "Well than, I approve of her. And even though she's your girlfriend, she seems to make Gray happy." I laughed, "They treat each other like siblings." "Where's her parents?" My mom asked. I frowned and looked at the ground, "She was in foster care her whole life. Owen," I pointed at Owen who was talking to Aunt Claire, "has been fostering her sense she was like five months old, he even named her. And now he is adopting her. She also doesn't have any siblings, so Gray is like her little brother." My mom awed. "I have to admit she makes an awesome sister." We both went over and we talked until the Cruise ship got there to take Gray, my parents and I home.

*Y/ns POV*
"Owen?" I asked out of nowhere. He looked at me. "May I talk to you a minute?" He nodded and followed me off to the side, "Where are we gonna live now that this island, our home, is taken over?" He laughed and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, "Just like you said sweetheart, this is our home. We're staying." I got super excited, "YAY OH MY GOSH! I DON'T WANT TO EVER LEA-" then I stopped what I was doing and looked over at Zach and Gray.

"I know it hurts sweetheart, but if you truly love someone, you have to let them go." Owen told me. I began to tear up. I walked over to them and heard them talking, "Mom when can we go home?" Gray asked. "Soon baby and you never will come back to this island ever again." Karen said. "Aren't you excited Y/n, you and Owen can come and stay at our house until you guys get one of your own," I began crying, "and you c- wait y/n, what's wrong?"

He hugged me and I hugged him, "I'm not going." He pulled away, "What?" I looked at Owen who was telling Claire, "Owen is my dad, and this is our home. I've lived here sense I was five months old. This is where I want to live for the rest of my life." He was crying, "But I thought you loved me, that you have The Feeling?"

I was crying harder, "I do love you! A lot, and you do give me The Feeling, but if you truly love someone you have to let them go, even though it hurts more than being thrown through a window by a dinosaur." He sat down and softly said, "What am I gonna do with out you y/n?" He put his head in his hands and tried to muffle his sobbing. I sat down and laid my head on his shoulder, "If you truly love me... You have to let me go."

He looked at me and shook his head, "I don't think I'll ever get over you." I nodded, "I don't think I will either, but hey... we WILL see each other again. I can come visit, and you can too. And there's such thing as phones." He chuckled and wiped his eyes, he was still crying, "I'm really going to miss you!" I kissed his cheek, "I'm going to miss you too!"

Claire came over and said, "Come on Zach. The ship is leaving." We stood up and walked towards the dock. I hugged Claire and she boarded with the boy's father. Gray ran over to me and hugged me crying, "Are you really staying?" I nodded and knelt down in front of him, "Look Gray, sense the moment I met you I knew there was something special about you, you were sweet, shy, and you were very questionable about yourself, but I saw someone different. I saw a brave boy. Remember when you said you couldn't jump off that waterfall?" He nodded. "You did! You were brave, and you still are. Now you have to be brave for me okay?"

He lets the tears fall from his eyes and nods. I smile trying to hold back the tears, "There's my brave little brother." I kiss his cheek. Karen came over, "Alright sweetheart let's leave Zach and y/n to say their goodbyes." He nodded and walked onto the ship with his mom.

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